Sunday, November 23, 2008

Someone Should Write an Opera

I have the whole libretto in my head. All I need is a composer. For what you ask? Oh, just for the drama that has been going on for the last two years during this epic election cycle. But that would only be the back story. THAT drama is so yesterday. The staged opera would start with the trimphal victory march of Barack Obama entering center stage, out-sized, gigantic black SUVs escorting him on either side (SUVs being the modern day elephants), fireworks going off, throngs reaching up, rushing the stage from audience level, Michelle beside him and daughters skipping around. Of course, his courtiers, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Jon Carson, Valerie Jarrett, and Reggie Love a respectful two steps behind, all singing a jubilant chorus of distinct songs about their own roles in the campaign. Sounds like it would be dissonant...not at all. You know, this is the no drama Obama administration, and they would all end up in sync with the President-elect's theme song, "Change, Change, Change".

While everyone is rockin' out
, suddenly, the music morphs from ecstatic to ominous, clouds roll in overhead, thunder (love those timpani) and lightening flashes mid-stage, almost striking the leads. Players swirl quickly and disperse stage right and left, when the biggest burst of thunder and lightening lights up the stage. Lo and behold, rising out of the center of the floor is...Queen Hillary! Surrounded by her own cauldron of attendants. Watch the games begin!

This drama was MADE for opera, and I have the rest of it in my head but it would take much too long (I have to be at a wine tasting) to write the rest, but please feel free to fill in scenes and dialogue as you might imagine them. It's so easy to envision...Hillary being courted, scenes of her and Obama meeting, singing arias of entreaty, politesse, refutation, very little humility. Courtiers have their own behind-the-scenes libretto, and all eventually reconvene center stage for Hillary's acceptance of her new role of Madam Secretary of State. And, finally Bill, who has a minor roll in this libretto, strides on stage, shit-eating grin 'n red nose 'n all, with a neon crown and places it on Hillary's head. Michelle and children cheerfully rush through the front door of a model White House, their new puppy bounding around the stage. It all portends to a Lassie ending. Or does it? More to come.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Smile That Lights Up The World

First of all, did you catch 60 Minutes last night? There were Michelle and Barack, charming, playful, smart, REAL, and looking Good. Just even referring to them by their first names implies a connection not felt with Presidents for a long, long time. Wouldn't it be great to have dinner with them? Can you imagine saying you loved watching Laura and George in an interview or even just feel a sense of comfort calling them by their first names? (Ok, if you're a Republican.)

It will be interesting to see what the Obamas are like when they are interviewed four years from now. Will they be weary, jaded, grey? Probably. But now we see them fresh and ready to tackle the biggest job in the world. That takes courage, guts and confidence. And we wish them well on this most amazing journey.

And, I know this sounds worshipful, but, without having signed one law or executive order, Obama's smile,
all by itself, adds wattage power to the world, and brings much needed light to the darkest recesses of humankind. People all over the world see that smile, it makes them smile, and in turn, it turns up the feel good thermometer. That, alone, is consoling, and it doesn't cost anything. Yeah, I told you it sounds worshipful.

In fact, we just missed World Smile Day on October 3. Check it out here: And, if you think I've gone all soft, maybe I have, but smiling has real benefits. Try it. You'll like it.

1. Smiling makes us attractive.

We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in.

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood

Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling is Contagious

When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

4. Smiling Relieves Stress

Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System

Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure

When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin

Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger

The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.

9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful

Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive

Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Seven Beautiful Words*

* seven being a nod to George Carlin's Seven Dirty Words...these words, however, are like a breath of delicious cool air that soothe the heat of the angst of the last eight years. Here's the yin to Carlin's yang:

The Obama Administration
First Lady Michelle Obama
Obama's Inauguration
Tickets to Obama's Inauguration
First Children Malia and Sasha Obama
The First Family
The Obama Administration
The Obama Administration
The Obama White House Team

Okay, I took a little license here...there are ten, and I'm sure a whole lot more. Bring 'em on. Music to the ears.

Soon, I will never again have to turn down the sound of my radio when I hear that air sucking, sibilant, nasal Bush voice of his on the air...and which never fails to conjure Alfred E. Newman. I will never again have to flip the channel when Bush and his cronies dirty up the screen...and who ALL should be starring on MSNBC's Lock-Up instead of spouting bulls**t from the deep recesses of their neanderthal brains (apologies to neanderthals). I will never again have to weep at the asinine stupidity (can never be too redundant here) of the Bush/Cheney manifesto to steal America.

Let's make sure that the likes of these criminals never 'grace' our national stage again. Please, Bushies, just go away.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Okay, I just read a funny headline: Vatican fires off warning to Barack Obama over stem cell research. As iiiiiffff. Here's the whole enchilada: So, since when does the Vatican think it has states' rights, a voice in our government or moral authority over the President of the United States because it doesn't like our policies? Did you ever read a headline that said, "American President fires off warning to Pope over birth control"? Puhleese.

Say, have you noticed that Sarah Palin, sans Hollywood hairdresser, makeup artist and stylist, has been kicked down a notch or two on the babe 'o meter. She kind of looks like a tired moose hunter, and for some odd reason, has switched from her hip glasses to a pair that looks like she's wearing windows. Weird. You can take the girl out of Alaska, but....etc.etc. Anyway, I'm stickin' with my prediction that she will lose reelection as governor, and end up with a reality show, "Sarah. LIVE!"

Speaking of Sarah Palin a reincarnation of some 17th century evangelical? Her syntax has this strange faux formalism, sort of a tortured way of trying to sound, uh, smart, but it comes off as though she is another person, who has no idea what she's talking about, who found herself in a modern body.

And, the Lieberman brouhaha. Yes, he's a disgusting turncoat and a despicable slimebag, but I'm going with Obama on this decision not to kick him to the curb. Why bother? And, I trust Obama on these strategic political maneuvers
. He's the master. So far. Besides, no matter what party Lieberman caucuses with, if he at least maintains a modicum of integrity, he'll still vote domestic policy with the Democrats as he has mostly done. That said, they must mete out some punishment and strip him of his committee chairmanships, one at least. Shunning should make a comeback. And, don't forget, he has to live with himself. That's a nightmare right there.

Oh, the tax code. I don't think that people really, truly consider what place taxes have in their everyday lives. It would be great to have some kind of compulsory course where everyone would take a Taxes 101 course to learn how taxes make our lives livable. Unfortunately, there is a is that the hard earned dollars that we pay in taxes are so often misused and misappropriated that a skeptical and deep mistrust of taxation is totally called for. Ok, forget it. Taxes suck. But necessary.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Never Again

Since the election, four days ago, I have been absorbing, processing and relishing our well-earned, triumphal victory. So many thoughts have been racing around my brain, and I want to write about all of them, but the one that really nailed me was when I read Frank Rich's column today in the New York Times: Bathing in the afterglow of almost two years work, depleted, thrilled, and emotional, this article made me sit up straight.

Whether intentionally, or not, Rich made us look like victims...victims of the Bush administration: "For eight years, we’ve been told by those in power that we are small, bigoted and stupid — easily divided and easily frightened."..."We heard this slander of America so often that we all started to believe it, liberals most certainly included." Um, excuuuuuse me, Mr. Rich, but those are not the people I hang around with. While the majority of people bought into the fear dictum, there were a lot of us who were dismayed that so many people drank the Bush kool-aid and became the lemmings of group think. We wondered how so many people could
have relinquished their rights, their ability to think things through, and buy into the wholesale fear of a terrorist golam that was invented by someone who couldn't even shoot straight? Now they cry, "We were hoodwinked!" We, the others who didn't believe the spoonfed rhetoric, were aghast that people, pundits and politicos went along with the Bush doctrine.

Rich goes on to say, "If I had a dollar for every Democrat who told me there was no way that Americans would ever turn against the war in Iraq or definitively reject Bush governance or elect a black man named Barack Hussein Obama president, I could almost start to recoup my 401(k). " Cute, but pathetic. Democrats are notoriously 'cajones-less'. For the record, I am not a Democrat. Why on earth would I want to be associated with such mindless wimps as Rich portrays them? If they had actually paid attention, and done something, then they would have known all of these things that Rich lists were impossible to conjure, were actually totally possible.

But then, these mushy Democrats prayed that someone would come to save them from the mess they let happen. They voted, and felt redeemed by shouting, "YES WE DID!" Yes they did allow Bush to take down this country. Where were the protests, where was the outcry when it mattered? Even last year? Boy, I hope they don't swing the other way and think that Obama is the Messiah. Obama has a shitload of a mess to clean up, and he's going to need everybody's help. Now is not the time to resume your couch potato position because your Saviour has arrived. Now is the time to for you to do a little meditating, and think of why you were so easily lead down the path to hell via the loathsome strategy of fear and division. Get out of your comfort zone, for good, and pay attention. All hands should be on deck now.

And Rich is amazed that young people reversed the thinking that they would be too lazy to vote. Thanks for the confidence. We know that young people weren't participants during the Bush theocracy*, but they are certainly engaged now, and forever, I hope. They showed those cynics, and put their money where their mouths are, worked their asses off and came out in droves to vote. Obama gave them something to believe in, and he embraced them. He tapped into their latent potential, and made them dig deep to prove they could deliver. I would bet that the average age of volunteers running campaign offices around the country was around 23. It was a thing to behold...seniors stapling campaign materials while twenty-somethings ran the show. They delivered all right.

This campaign has shown us one thing, loud and clear...that the Power of One, collectively, has the power to move mountains. If you ever doubted that you could make a difference, this election should permanently put that to rest. We can harness that power and make it known that WE are the bosses, the government our employees. Just as I marched, several times, with thousands of others against the Iraq war (how come
we knew?), we can employ all the tools at our disposal, some new, some old - the internet, phone calling, letter writing, marching - to let government know that we have grown skeptical, and we will let our will be known when need be. Obama has promised a transparent government, and I believe him. That is not to say we will always agree with him, and it is also not to say that we must hit the streets with every policy disagreement. All I'm saying is that we should keep in mind our personal power and obligation to participate in our own governance. We cannot let anyone tell us what to think when they give us their version of classified information. We don't have to be paranoid, but we need to be vigilant and scrutinize, scrutinize, scrutinize.

As to my personal involvement in the campaign, I am a proud member of the most incredible grassroots organization this nation has ever seen. I am a PROUD COMMUNITY ORGANIZER. If it weren't for the millions of volunteers who sacrificed jobs, money, time with loved ones, who overcame exhaustion and drowned in adrenalin, to make this Obama campaign successful, this victory would not have happened. And that is the power that was sound asleep during the eight years of the Bush nightmare. Now Democrats have seen what they are capable of doing.

Let us take this grassroots effort and keep it going. Let's keep it going so that we, the people, have a place in our own government, and a voice that will not be quelled. Let us never let something like the last eight years happen again...never again.

* Bush theocracy:
Mr Shaath said that in a 2003 meeting with Mr Bush, the US president said he was "driven
with a mission from God".

"God would tell me, George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan. And I did, and then God would tell me, George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq... And I did.

"And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East. And by God I'm gonna do it."

2. read this:

3. a very interesting article:

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