Monday, December 14, 2015

The Danger Of Hillary Clinton Being Elected President

Remember the thrill when Barack Obama was elected? It gave me chills watching the returns with my beloved Obamawood friends. We had spent the prior two years channeling every spare minute into supporting and working for Obama to be elected - first as the nominee of the Democratic Party and then President. We worked for Barack Obama, the man, who happened to be Black. It was a brilliant outcome.

But funny how the rise of the Tea Party coincided with the election of Barack Obama - the movement grew exponentially following Barack Obama's first presidential inauguration in January 2009." You can say what you want about the Republican Party being pushed to the right by the Tea Party and uber-conservatives, but there is a choice to follow or not to follow, and flock to the right they did. Pretty soon Republicans started with the push-back to anything Obama proposed. It was open hostility and unmasked racism. Eight years of struggle to shepherd legislation through Congress, it's a bloody miracle that Obama got anything done. So here I refer you to my article to shed some light on why Obama is reviled by the GOP: It's All About Sex, Obama And The White Men In Congress.  "Poor little white men. All twisted in knots. Can you imagine when we have a woman President. Kind of hard to imagine men writing about “my President” then…" to quote myself.

Which brings me to my point: If you think Hillary Clinton, with her shitload of Clinton baggage, would be treated any better than Barack Obama...well, dream on, baby cause you ain't seen nothing yet. Can you imagine the GOP apoplexy when they see Bill Clinton roaming the halls of the White House? It would kill them. Histrionics would ensue and every conceivable slur dredged up. The notion of the two-for-one Presidency would provide rip-roaring target practice for Clinton haters. And they are legion.

Then, combined with fear and loathing of the Clintons, we have The First Woman President. Have you noticed how Republicans are such woman-lovers? They demonstrate that love with their relentless denial of women's rights - you know, the civilized War on Women. Hillary Clinton happens to be woman. I shall rest my case here and restate the obvious, Clinton + Woman + President = another 4 years of stonewalling, sobbing (forgot, John Boehner is gone), hand-wringing and general Republican theatrics will keep this country in a perpetual state of gridlock while the wingnuts wait for their Messiah.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Queen of Illusion, Hillary Clinton, Pretender to the Presidency

Whirling dervish, Hillary Clinton, spins her 'convictions' faster than a monkey can climb a tree. Whatever's expedient that's what she'll say. Yes, people do evolve and change their minds but that's a whole lot of fast track evolving and it feels like just a big con. Her polling shows it: New Poll Shows 60% of Americans Think Hillary Clinton is Untrustworthy and Dishonest (11/6/15) Aren't 'untrustworthy' and 'dishonest' kind of euphemistic for 'liar'? So, you have the Democratic frontrunner for President of the United States who is considered a liar by a majority of voters. That is just sad. Especially if this comes down to the 'lesser of two evils' vote, yet again, instead of voting for a real desirable candidate.  

"Hillary Clinton has always been viewed as the Democrats' best general-election candidate. But new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls of Iowa and New Hampshire show that Bernie Sanders outperforms Clinton in those two general-election battleground states."

You know, it would be great to have a woman President but I think it would be the ultimate feminist decision to wait for the right one. Supporting someone because of their gender is as sexist as it gets.

Does Hillary Rodham Clinton have no shame? It's not like she's a magician with amazing sleight of hand. Her tricky record is right in front of us. Just google Hillary flipflops. Why, here's a good one: 6 flip flops from Hillary ‘Real Person’ Clinton An example: “We’ve got to do several things and I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants,” channeling Donald Trump, the Democratic frontrunner "adamantly" tells a talk radio host in 2003. And, she bragged about this just yesterday, November 9: “Well, look, I voted numerous times when I was a senator to spend money to build a barrier, to try to prevent illegal immigrants from coming in. And I do think you have to control your borders.” Read about it here. So, is she the 'neocon' Rand Paul said she was?

People say, "Oh, isn't it great. Bernie's moving her to the left." Honestly, she'd move to Mars if it that's what it took. But what is troubling about her 'move to the left' is that she can't be trusted that what she says today is what she would do IF she is in office. Watch this video of Elizabeth Warren talking about Hillary back in 2004. Buyer beware.

Martin O'Malley said it best: "Leadership is about being clear about your principles." But does she have any? The same lack of conviction was the reason I didn't vote for her husband, Bill Clinton. I felt there was no there, there; no center. They're well paired. Two smart people blowin' hot air in the wind.

Why hang your hat on a lesser comet when you can have a shining star? Bernie Sanders has been talking about his meaningful principles for the last thirty years. He has a center, he has a conscience, he doesn't hold his finger to the wind to decide what he should think. Take a minute to watch a mashup of Bernie's speeches over the the last thirty years. Watch this and know you are listening to someone who believes what he says, who has been fighting for the good fight for years, who has predicted what this country has become: "at 3:25 (1993) Bernie talks about how our country is evolving into an oligarchy." He said that nineteen years ago.
Bernie is our best hope to tackle the problems of the 99%. Fuck the establishment.

And, this is the most troubling. Don't think for a minute, if Hillary is the nominee, that the GOP won't eviscerate her. She can barely beat Ben Carson, for chrissake, by 1%. When they're finished with her...we will have a Republican President. Let's say for a minute, by some miracle she makes it. Well, if you think the GOP hated Obama and effectively obstructed anything he wanted to get done - imagine for a moment how they would work with Hillary. Racism for him, sexism with Clintonism thrown in for her. There is no match for Hillary in the  divisive public figure department. A do-nothing Congress would do less than zero with Hillary. They couldn't stand to see her accomplish a thing. Her supporters are in denial if they think 'she'll show them!' Yeah, just like she marched into her good friends at Goldman Sachs and "told them to cut it out". Boy, they must have trembled in their boots at such an admonition. (Those are her words. True.)

We should be so lucky to have Bernie as our President.
This is what winning looks like! Bernie 2016!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Donald Trump: A Case Study of Mental Illness Not Being Taken Seriously by the Media

"What has this country come to?" It's asked everyday, by everyone, no matter their politics. It's the one question that we can all agree on even though the reasons are somewhat different. But don't stop the questioning's not just rhetorical. You have to wonder how a man with a diagnosable mental disorder, someone you might have seen on a soapbox in Hyde Park spewing crazy shit, is allowed to run around like a delusional maniac believing he could be President of the United States. But, Ladies and Gentlemen, that is exactly what is happening here; and, it is gleefully being covered - fucking daily ad nauseum - by media outlets and so-called journalists. You know who I'm talkin' about. Do I really have to say his name one more time? Is there one person in the whole USA who doesn't know about this troll? Okay, okay - Donald Trump. But I don't want to address all the stupid crap he's regurgitating out of his ugly mouth. 

It's about how this country deals with the mentally ill. Luckily for Trump, he has a home and isn't one of the thousands of homeless people on the street because, except for that home, he would fit right in with his - here's the diagnosis - narcissistic megalomania as easily as the guy I saw last night in downtown L.A. yelling at some imaginary persecutor. But no one was covering this poor soul's insane ramblings. And he had better hair. Here again is the class divide even though they are on equal footing mentally. The Donald was fortunate to be born into a wealthy family so he kind of flew under the radar. 

In fact, his disorder was looked upon as a path to success. Here, this guy wrote about it:
Being A Narcissistic Megalomaniac With Sociopathic Tendencies May Mean You Have An Advantage In Business, According To Psychologist Oliver James  But, the chickens will come home to roost someday and it won't be pretty. To wit: "The final stage of NPD is the part of a narcissist’s life when the world they have known in the past starts to spin out of their control. The loss of power and prowess over others is devastating to a megalomaniac narcissist. It damages and unhinges the narcissist psychologically and emotionally, leading to an intra-personal implosion followed by a violent explosive end for the narcissist and others around them." This guy was writing about Jim Jones but, hey, you might say Trump is feeding his followers Kool-Aid.

Does the fact that so many people (aka Tea Partiers) support him mean that they are crazy, too? At the very least, they are enablers in a co-dependent relationship. Can it get any worse? Why is the media covering this guy so relentlessly when he should be tackled and put in straitjacket to be tucked away in a mental ward before we all go nuts. It's not funny or amusing any more. He is making us the laughingstock of the world. ISIS must be ROFLMFAO.

It's time for the media to take some responsibility (ha, that's an old trope) for how they are presenting the news. Most people are not news junkies, like I and many of my friends are, so what they see is what they believe and that is a pretty straightforward transaction. People are busy, they don't have to think about it. But the reality is, Donald Trump has a mental disorder* and the press isn't talking about it. Why not? Afraid they'll get reamed my Mr. Born-to-Sue? It is an awful thing to reward people for awful behavior and it doesn't help the conversation that should be addressed - mental illness.

I don't believe Trump is a real 'threat' to become the GOP nominee (UPDATE: Looks like he will) nevermind President, (still stand by this) but I wish he and his grotesque orange face would get out of my face. Let the other nincompoops have equal time. BTW, do you think Trump and Boehner share a tanning bed?

*Psychology Today
Narcissistic Personality Disorder involves arrogant behavior, a lack of empathy for other people, and a need for admiration-all of which must be consistently evident at work and in relationships. People who are narcissistic are frequently described as cocky, self-centered, manipulative, and demanding. Narcissists may concentrate on unlikely personal outcomes (e.g., fame) and may be convinced that they deserve special treatment. Related Personality Disorders: Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic. Narcissism is a less extreme version of Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Narcissism involves cockiness, manipulativeness, selfishness, power motives, and vanity-a love of mirrors. Related personality traits include: Psychopathy, Machiavellianism.

Narcissists tend to have high self-esteem. However, narcissism is not the same thing as self-esteem; people who have high self-esteem are often humble, whereas narcissists rarely are. It was once thought that narcissists have high self-esteem on the surface, but deep down they are insecure. However, the latest evidence indicates that narcissists are actually secure or grandiose at both levels. Onlookers may infer that insecurity is there because narcissists tend to be defensive when their self-esteem is threatened (e.g., being ridiculed); narcissists can be aggressive. The sometimes dangerous lifestyle may more generally reflect sensation-seeking or impulsivity (e.g., risky sex, bold financial decisions).

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Let's Make Neil deGrasse Tyson Obama's Ambassador-At-Large

Did you happen to catch 60 MINUTES piece about super nova, Neil deGrasse Tyson, the other night? If you didn't, watch it here, and you'll understand why I think Obama should appoint him as an Ambassador-At-Large.

Yes, I'm a starstruck fangirl who has stood in line with hundreds of others to see Neil deGrasse Tyson in person and witness his ineffable charm. Really, there is not a more charming, urbane and sexy - yes, smart is soooo sexy - public figure. Name one. With his boundless energy, intelligence and charisma, he makes the most unfathomable questions about the universe and cosmos comprehensible and totally fascinating.

He also imparts important information in a most non-threatening, often playful way that even climate change deniers and members of the anti-science movement would hopefully be more receptive to hear. 

Since deGrasseTyson's ideological agenda doesn't cross-over into religion - he's an atheist,  
a stereotype he disdains so probably agnostic is more palatable - he can get across some 
real science, kind of like slipping a little sugar into a sour drink. Either way, religion isn't going  
to muck up the facts so maybe a few minds could be pried open to hearing scientific truths. On second thought maybe he should include the Bible in referencing science so as to make the pot a little more palatable. Hmmmm. 

Yes, he has a tv show, over 4 MILLION twitter followers and is a regular on talk shows. That's all cool. But in an official capacity as Ambassador-At-Large, Neil deGrasse Tyson would be an ideal communicator for the administration on any number of policies - scientific or otherwise. For example, he could break down the Iran deal and teach us what 'nuclear capabilities' really means. Send him to Iran to schmooze with the Ayatollah about plutonium, uranium and atomic bombs. He is undeniably an expert and the Iranians would pay attention. How about if he had a little sitdown with the Koch bros and told them - in his most hardcore charming way - what horrible people they are and explain why they are killing the planet?! 

Neil deGrass Tyson, Master Communicator, we need him! Maybe this little suggestion will be heard and, who knows, it's worth a try! Should we start a petition?

Thursday, March 12, 2015

It's All About Sex, Obama And The White Men In Congress

Can you say "I hate America" more effectively than the 47 patriotic senators who meddled in, and endangered, the foreign policy of the United States of America by sending a stupid letter to the government of Iran? These people are so confused, they run around like rats in a maze. They are the ones who "hate America" with their irresponsible provocation. The subtext, of course, to their attempt to be pen pals with the mullahs was, "We hate Barack Obama so much that we'll do anything to humiliate him and take down his black ass." Secretly, no openly, they probably support Sigma Alpha Epsilon, the notorious SAE, at least in spirit, and no doubt are wondering what the hell is wrong with students singing that funny little song? You know these people have lynching in their hearts.

Racism is a bottomless pit of American anxiety and it looks like there is no magical medication to assuage the disease. No matter how much is written, discussed, preached and Facebooked about it, racism seems to be embedded in the human psyche in a way that defies exorcism. And that brings me to my question and my point.

Why do right-wingers and neocons in Congress hate Obama so much? Racism is the obvious answer but let's take a look at who these people are -- mostly pathetic white men. Let's take a look at Obama -- handsome, smart, virile. Oh, and he's black. This is the scary Myth come true for them. So my point is: it's all about sex. And race.

Whether having it, getting it, thinking about it, viewing it, wishing for it, condemning it, it doesn't take an anthropologist to understand that sex is top-of-mind for most of the human species. Sex is everywhere in our popular culture, in our faces on television, in movies, billboards, magazines – you know the drill - but the fact that sex sells must be because it 'appeals' to us. Many humans are one step away from behaving like bonobos but are reined in by trying to be civilized. Our lives are lived between sexual encounters. An exception is if you're a smoker, then you live your life between cigarettes which, if you're addicted, even trumps sex. But I digress.

So, these horrible white men who pretend they are doing work in Congress, are first and foremost males, thinking about sex (you know they are) who see this powerful black man -- and powerful, too, in a way that challenges their very existence, for he is President and they are not -- combined with his persona, the animus for him, so deep, that all they can do is lash out every chance they get to protect their pathetic manhood. I won't even go into the whole penis thing...dealing with the realization that Obama even exists is enough for these babies to handle before they explode.

Plus the fact that women, in droves, voted for Obama isn't lost on these puerile Christians. The spectre of a sexy, charming Obama (remember that picture of him in his swimsuit stepping out of the surf in Hawaii all brawny and fit!) looms over them while women swoon over this heavenly black man. And, to prove their love, women went to the polls to vote for him to be their President, a direct kick in the groin for these men. And now when women write about Obama, it is totally personal as in, "I am so glad he is my President!" "Thank you, my President!" I have seen this over and over and married or not, women would give it up for a fling with their President. Men are all too aware of it, aware of the competition. The threat. Of this black man. Doesn’t he know his place?

Of course, we can't leave out the special hostility men have for Michelle Obama but that is a whole other ball of Gordian Knots. Suffice it to say, I believe these whiny, tortured white men would rather be water-boarded than have a black family in the White House and a black woman as First Lady. 

So, yes, right-wingers, neocons and Libertarians do everything to stymie Obama with their special brand of racism, kicked up several notches, to take down The Man and keep him away from their women. They act out in ways that are even totally against their proclaimed 'love for America'. Their record for protecting civil rights and social justice issues is abysmal. So fearful are they that they have decided their strategy is to accomplish nothing so they can protect what little manhood they can claim. Smells like white man's self-hatred to me.

Poor little white men. All twisted in knots. Can you imagine when we have a woman President.  Kind of hard to imagine men writing about “my President” then…
The white man is, and has always been, his own worst enemy:
The American white man's malignant superiority complex has done him more harm than an invading army. [Malcolm X, p 317, Autobiography]

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