Hey, c'mon, since the General, Petraeus in this case, is in charge of rallying the troops and keeping up their morale, who in the world do you think is going to rally the General and keep up his morale, eh? Ok, so now we know. Oh, I should have made that 'Generals' as we now know there was another General, General Allen, whose morale also needed keeping up. Look, these guys have a very stressful job and they're entitled to a little R&R. No judgement.
But I bet there is one person who is kicking herself as a spy with a lost opportunity. The sizzling, red-hot Russian spy, the sultry Anna Chapman, a modern day Mata Hari, could have had a field day with these guys. She probably didn't think that the military was so easy to infiltrate. Instead, she was relegated to impersonating a downtown 'vivacious vixen' as The Post called her. Maybe next time.
So, I guess that's where the troubling part comes in. Certainly it can't be a man's personal life - that's his business - but when his personal business plus the business he's in = the military, then some pretty serious slip-ups can happen. "Why just reading your email, Sir Loves-A-Lot! No biggie. Oh my, but that is! (sultry smile) Say, just tell me the code for ________ and then let's drop a few 'bombs'..."
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Romney: A Wealthy Man With A Deficit...of Character
If Mitt Romney wants to get rid of the deficit, he should start with himself. The man has the biggest, deepest deficit of character ever exhibited on the world stage who wasn't a murderer.
Certainly this old joke, “How can you tell when a politician is lying? When his (or her) lips move.” is true enough, but this self-professed religious, Christ-loving Mormon defies any definition of character, in any religion, by lyinglyinglying. About everything. He's a kleptomaniacal fabulist who steals anything he hears, true or not, grabbing for tidbits of tired rhetoric of what he thinks people may want to hear. The desperation of wanting to be relevant, to better his daddy, to be in the spotlight is pathetic especially since there seems to be no other reason he is running for President.
Forget about flip-flopping, forget about whether you agree or disagree with his policies (whatever they are), forget him being a tight-ass wooden automaton, forget about him being rich, I just want to know how this man sleeps at night? Probably very well as those do who haven't the slightest bit of a nagging conscience. Isn't that lack of conscience a symptom of being a psychopath? It would be illuminating to sit inside the Romney brain and watch him connect his synapses into the whirling spin that must take place for him to justify his egregious behavior.
Is this a person who should be President of the United States?
Aside from Romney, The Hollow Man, consider the frightening Supreme Court appointment possibilities. I wrote this during the last election, but it still applies: "It's The Supremes, Stupid"
So, hey Progressives (of which I am one), hey all of you who don't feel like voting or think it doesn't matter, hey you who think writing in Homer Simpson is a cute protest and doesn't matter. IT MATTERS.
VOTE FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA & then, after the election, stay active, get involved in issues that will make a difference, work for a Third Party, work to get rid of the electoral college, work for Single Payer, work for the Dream Act, and on and on. But this Tuesday, your vote does matter. It's the Power of One...it's yours to use or throw away (but then you not allowed to bitch).
OBAMA 2012!
Certainly this old joke, “How can you tell when a politician is lying? When his (or her) lips move.” is true enough, but this self-professed religious, Christ-loving Mormon defies any definition of character, in any religion, by lyinglyinglying. About everything. He's a kleptomaniacal fabulist who steals anything he hears, true or not, grabbing for tidbits of tired rhetoric of what he thinks people may want to hear. The desperation of wanting to be relevant, to better his daddy, to be in the spotlight is pathetic especially since there seems to be no other reason he is running for President.
Forget about flip-flopping, forget about whether you agree or disagree with his policies (whatever they are), forget him being a tight-ass wooden automaton, forget about him being rich, I just want to know how this man sleeps at night? Probably very well as those do who haven't the slightest bit of a nagging conscience. Isn't that lack of conscience a symptom of being a psychopath? It would be illuminating to sit inside the Romney brain and watch him connect his synapses into the whirling spin that must take place for him to justify his egregious behavior.
Is this a person who should be President of the United States?
Aside from Romney, The Hollow Man, consider the frightening Supreme Court appointment possibilities. I wrote this during the last election, but it still applies: "It's The Supremes, Stupid"
So, hey Progressives (of which I am one), hey all of you who don't feel like voting or think it doesn't matter, hey you who think writing in Homer Simpson is a cute protest and doesn't matter. IT MATTERS.
VOTE FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA & then, after the election, stay active, get involved in issues that will make a difference, work for a Third Party, work to get rid of the electoral college, work for Single Payer, work for the Dream Act, and on and on. But this Tuesday, your vote does matter. It's the Power of One...it's yours to use or throw away (but then you not allowed to bitch).
OBAMA 2012!
Thursday, October 4, 2012
If Obama loses, will he move to Canada?
Sigh. I know, so much has been written/said about The Thrilla In Denver already but Obama's self-inflicted defeat is almost too much for me to bear. Today, Obama was saying that he met a new Romney last night and so, too, did we meet a new Obama. Or did we? Or was this the old, pre-convention Obama who mustered half-hearted support on his behalf because any thinking person could not tolerate the thought of the other side winning. Until last night, my enthusiasm meter was inching its way up, certainly not to '08 levels, but to a 'feeling pretty good' level. And then, this.
It started early. The slippery slope to ignominious debate hell. The Romneys, all of them, fresh-eyed and bushy-tailed, looked great. Ann was dazzling in her white suit, Mitt's hair perfectly, but not too perfectly, coiffed, wearing a GOP-red tie. Obama looked tired as hell and Michelle seemed uncharacteristically nervous. Did she know something? Did he have a tummy-ache?
Romney was robust, full of fire. He even seemed like a real person. Reganesque one might say, even down to the cadence at times. He must have watched a ton of video. Obama had brain-freeze. It couldn't have been a senior moment. That was reserved for the poor moderator...at least that was what he was called...Jim Lehrer who single-handedly gave old people a bad name, befuddled and unable to string together any 'moderator' words. He's out to pasture.
But the damage done by Obama's piss poor performance, his lack of pushback to obvious openings when he could have, in a not-angry-black man-way (This was remarked on by innumerable articles that he better not come off like that. Sigh), slammed Romney for flipflops, his outright lies. Oh, so on Facebook there is banner after banner, article after article touting Romeny's lies. Let me tell you something, his lies are exactly what those big donors were looking for. Do you think they give a shit if he's telling the truth or not? They just wanted him to do exactly what he did last night...come out fighting, say what they wanted to hear, and ka-ching all the way to the bank. And, here they come, a kazillion dollars in negative Obama ads. Complain all you want about Lyin' Romney and his VP Lyin' Ryan, their supporters could care less. Don't proclaim your self-righteous indignation, it's a waste of time. Instead, GOTV.
But the really bad thing about Obama's no good, very bad day was that it reminds the people, who he needs to get out and vote for him, about what a spine-less compromiser he is. It just highlights his weaknesses, his inexperience. It didn't take much to conjure up 'disappointment' again. It reminds progressives how he jilted them even though they were the ones that lifted him to the lofty heights of the Presidency. Yes, we know that Congress will do everything in its power to give Obama exactly nothing. But still. We were beginning to almost feel warm and fuzzy about him again but now we're back to settling for 'the lesser of two evils'. What kind of legacy is that? I'm reminded of my own post about needing therapy, about selling my soul to vote for him. (Sold. I'm voting for him.) Here's a paragraph but do read the whole thing here:
You can see how badly I need therapy. Maybe you do, too? So, I'm going to sue the President, the White House, the entire administration and his ass-wipe advisors for malfeasance, for taking a gigantic mandate - from middle-class Democrats, progressives, Republicans, blacks, Latinos, women, people who had never felt moved to vote before who registered and voted...students, young people, old people, if dogs could've voted they would have...everyone came out to vote. It was the biggest party, the most positive, charged, electric global, hopeful atmosphere. People were joyful, elated that they rode this prophet, of Hope and Change, to victory on their shoulders, happy to carry this man, this harbinger of better days, after their months and months of hard work and devotion, and love - to victory. To a victory that was squandered by inexperience, arrogance and Obama's weakest link, a pathological need to be liked. As Eric Alterman writes in the Nation Magazine, "Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf has complained of Obama—accurately, in my view—that he “wishes to be President of a country that does not exist. In his fantasy, US politicians bury differences in bipartisan harmony.”" As smart as people says Obama is, he doesn't seem able to pick up the cues of defeat. Or is it pride, the worst sin of all? Are we going to hell in a hand basket because of a prideful President who believes his early reviews?
It started early. The slippery slope to ignominious debate hell. The Romneys, all of them, fresh-eyed and bushy-tailed, looked great. Ann was dazzling in her white suit, Mitt's hair perfectly, but not too perfectly, coiffed, wearing a GOP-red tie. Obama looked tired as hell and Michelle seemed uncharacteristically nervous. Did she know something? Did he have a tummy-ache?
Romney was robust, full of fire. He even seemed like a real person. Reganesque one might say, even down to the cadence at times. He must have watched a ton of video. Obama had brain-freeze. It couldn't have been a senior moment. That was reserved for the poor moderator...at least that was what he was called...Jim Lehrer who single-handedly gave old people a bad name, befuddled and unable to string together any 'moderator' words. He's out to pasture.
But the damage done by Obama's piss poor performance, his lack of pushback to obvious openings when he could have, in a not-angry-black man-way (This was remarked on by innumerable articles that he better not come off like that. Sigh), slammed Romney for flipflops, his outright lies. Oh, so on Facebook there is banner after banner, article after article touting Romeny's lies. Let me tell you something, his lies are exactly what those big donors were looking for. Do you think they give a shit if he's telling the truth or not? They just wanted him to do exactly what he did last night...come out fighting, say what they wanted to hear, and ka-ching all the way to the bank. And, here they come, a kazillion dollars in negative Obama ads. Complain all you want about Lyin' Romney and his VP Lyin' Ryan, their supporters could care less. Don't proclaim your self-righteous indignation, it's a waste of time. Instead, GOTV.
But the really bad thing about Obama's no good, very bad day was that it reminds the people, who he needs to get out and vote for him, about what a spine-less compromiser he is. It just highlights his weaknesses, his inexperience. It didn't take much to conjure up 'disappointment' again. It reminds progressives how he jilted them even though they were the ones that lifted him to the lofty heights of the Presidency. Yes, we know that Congress will do everything in its power to give Obama exactly nothing. But still. We were beginning to almost feel warm and fuzzy about him again but now we're back to settling for 'the lesser of two evils'. What kind of legacy is that? I'm reminded of my own post about needing therapy, about selling my soul to vote for him. (Sold. I'm voting for him.) Here's a paragraph but do read the whole thing here:
You can see how badly I need therapy. Maybe you do, too? So, I'm going to sue the President, the White House, the entire administration and his ass-wipe advisors for malfeasance, for taking a gigantic mandate - from middle-class Democrats, progressives, Republicans, blacks, Latinos, women, people who had never felt moved to vote before who registered and voted...students, young people, old people, if dogs could've voted they would have...everyone came out to vote. It was the biggest party, the most positive, charged, electric global, hopeful atmosphere. People were joyful, elated that they rode this prophet, of Hope and Change, to victory on their shoulders, happy to carry this man, this harbinger of better days, after their months and months of hard work and devotion, and love - to victory. To a victory that was squandered by inexperience, arrogance and Obama's weakest link, a pathological need to be liked. As Eric Alterman writes in the Nation Magazine, "Financial Times columnist Martin Wolf has complained of Obama—accurately, in my view—that he “wishes to be President of a country that does not exist. In his fantasy, US politicians bury differences in bipartisan harmony.”" As smart as people says Obama is, he doesn't seem able to pick up the cues of defeat. Or is it pride, the worst sin of all? Are we going to hell in a hand basket because of a prideful President who believes his early reviews?
Saturday, September 22, 2012
The Magical Flight of NASA's Endeavour
Yesterday, the citizens of Los Angeles and environs were treated to a spectacular display of man's innovative creativity and creative technology, soaring sense of adventure, and the sheer balls to fly into the deep unknown to explore our universe and perhaps to find an escape from the madness here on earth.
Watching the space shuttle Endeavour, and its modified 747 carrier aircraft, followed by two sexy escort fighter jets soar in a low altitude flyover, became a community event. I met people in my neighborhood I had never seen before, many who had lived here for years, all now buddybuddy, warm and fuzzy, spending over an hour in the hot sun catching up on lives never before encountered. Very cool.
But how could tons of cold steel, bolts and widgets get people to come together? I'm sure most of them have a cursory interest in science, while interest in technology means being on a first name basis with the Genius at the Bar, and have a respectful reverence for NASA, but watching Endeavour sparked a heightened sense of the fantastic, the realization of possibilities, and as Mike Cassidy, in his post on Siliconbeat, wrote that "Endeavour flyover might inspire next Steve Jobs" Let's hope it does.
But what was striking to me was how deeply the experience touched us. Unexpectedly, watching Endeavour burrowed right to our cores. There were gasps and claps and laughter and spontaneous shouts of joy. And tiny tears were offered up as sacrament to the human spirit.
As the flight neared, preceded by a gutterul roar of engines, Endeavour emerged from the horizon, piggyback, on the larger, maternalistic 747. Surprisingly, it appeared vulnerable, dependent, like a baby on a mother's back. Anthropomorphized. We were parents welcoming back our baby that had been to places so faraway and done things so heroic we could only cheer in amazement.
You know those cute pictures of a baby chimp on its mother's back? Adorable. But see a picture of the mother alone...not so adorable. And baby alone? Cute but not so adorable in quite the same way. So it was with Endeavour. If you had seen Endeavour fly by alone, it would have been exciting but not as electrifying. In a wonderful way, Endeavour - and what an enchanting name - brought us a human connection that reminded us of our own unrealized possibilities, a moment of hope and an hour with our neighbors.
Til the next time, Thank You, NASA! May your budget be increased and not cut as proposed by the wicked Congress. Keep the spirit of adventure alive!
Watching the space shuttle Endeavour, and its modified 747 carrier aircraft, followed by two sexy escort fighter jets soar in a low altitude flyover, became a community event. I met people in my neighborhood I had never seen before, many who had lived here for years, all now buddybuddy, warm and fuzzy, spending over an hour in the hot sun catching up on lives never before encountered. Very cool.
But how could tons of cold steel, bolts and widgets get people to come together? I'm sure most of them have a cursory interest in science, while interest in technology means being on a first name basis with the Genius at the Bar, and have a respectful reverence for NASA, but watching Endeavour sparked a heightened sense of the fantastic, the realization of possibilities, and as Mike Cassidy, in his post on Siliconbeat, wrote that "Endeavour flyover might inspire next Steve Jobs" Let's hope it does.
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Photo: NASA.gov |
As the flight neared, preceded by a gutterul roar of engines, Endeavour emerged from the horizon, piggyback, on the larger, maternalistic 747. Surprisingly, it appeared vulnerable, dependent, like a baby on a mother's back. Anthropomorphized. We were parents welcoming back our baby that had been to places so faraway and done things so heroic we could only cheer in amazement.
You know those cute pictures of a baby chimp on its mother's back? Adorable. But see a picture of the mother alone...not so adorable. And baby alone? Cute but not so adorable in quite the same way. So it was with Endeavour. If you had seen Endeavour fly by alone, it would have been exciting but not as electrifying. In a wonderful way, Endeavour - and what an enchanting name - brought us a human connection that reminded us of our own unrealized possibilities, a moment of hope and an hour with our neighbors.
Til the next time, Thank You, NASA! May your budget be increased and not cut as proposed by the wicked Congress. Keep the spirit of adventure alive!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
President Romney. Don't like it? Don't take anything for granted.
What's always worrisome is that 'good news' for our candidate will make people complacent. Willard Romney is practically handing over the election, or so one might think, by constantly tripping over himself (whoever he is) but Dems Beware! For instance, this headline on Daily Kos: Hey pundits ... it's over. Baaaaad. It's NEVER over til it's over. You know the fat lady singing thing?! Believe in Murphy's Law til the last poll closes.
This is the home stretch and we cannot assume anything. We have no idea how voter suppression will manifest itself or how poll workers will take it upon themselves to deny voters their ballots.
In fact, we should be doubling down on volunteering and helping those tough congressional and senate races, too. And, as I've said ad nauseum, in the end, it's all about GOTV. So, if you can only do one thing, please put November 6 on your calendar and volunteer to help people get to the polls.
Find out from your local Democratic HQ or OFA how you can sign up to assist on election day and then savor a nice cocktail as you watch the returns. Hopefully, successful returns. Make it happen!
Here's a cool t-shirt that sez it all! Available at: http://www.campaignstuff.net/ and http://www.zazzle.com/obamaelectionstuff
This is the home stretch and we cannot assume anything. We have no idea how voter suppression will manifest itself or how poll workers will take it upon themselves to deny voters their ballots.
In fact, we should be doubling down on volunteering and helping those tough congressional and senate races, too. And, as I've said ad nauseum, in the end, it's all about GOTV. So, if you can only do one thing, please put November 6 on your calendar and volunteer to help people get to the polls.
Find out from your local Democratic HQ or OFA how you can sign up to assist on election day and then savor a nice cocktail as you watch the returns. Hopefully, successful returns. Make it happen!
Here's a cool t-shirt that sez it all! Available at: http://www.campaignstuff.net/ and http://www.zazzle.com/obamaelectionstuff
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Contrarian Bitch/ing: Channeling God: The Audacity of Being Mitt
Politics, sex and religion are supposed to be avoided like the plague in polite society so as not to upset anyone's tenuous grasp of their carefully constructed worldview - based mostly on fear, I fear, of that which they don't understand so they can remain cozily wrapped in their security blanket of ignorance. But, this election defies being polite and religion must be addressed with courage and clarity.
The New York Times article about Mitt Romney's faith is littered with clues as to how his faith would inform his decisions should he become President of these Un-United States...heaven forfend...and provides critical insight into who this Hollow Man really is. It is not a polemic about Mormonism but it's about how Romney interprets his religion and how he adapts it. It is not about issues because those are open to interpretation depending on where Mitt's wet finger determines which way the wind is blowing. The question is: Do you want someone who claims to be on the phone with God calling the shots?
Zealously, Mitt Romney is convinced he has a direct line to the Divine.
But wait. There's more. Lots more.
Let me play you few hard core licks of what makes this man tick*:
All of this is beyond disturbing, even, I expect, to Christians, Muslims, Jews and other God-believing religions as Mitt seems to have designed his own God to listen to. The very idea of hearing voices, God's voice, is a suspicious version of crazy, though Mitt is not the first person to defer critical thinking to the Divine as an excuse for intellectual laziness. And it allows those believers to express dominance over others who don't toe the same line just as Mitt and others do. This is especially troubling to those of us who don't believe in God. Yes, we don't. And we manage our lives very well, thank you. So, can you imagine having, as your President, an adult who claims to consult an imaginary friend, God, and possibly friends like Lucifer or Jesus? This prospect is the scariest of all. A President that has a special phone to God in the Oval Office is unacceptable and dangerous. And I don't want my tax payer money paying for it.
OK, supposing there is a God and Mitt Romney channels him. How does Mitt square up his Moral Duplicity? Does Mitt-the-Liar pass the smell test for integrity? Because he does lie. A lot. Does God make a special dispensation for Mitt because his design for him is to be President and Liar-in-Chief? How does Mitt internalize and process his lies? Is it okay, because as Mitt's friend infers about him, that the 'end justifies the means'?
So many alarming questions, no answers. The question of character, in a politician, is a treacherous one because the definition of character floats in a nether world of expediency which supposedly justifies the means and who of us - believers or otherwise - could pass this test of virtue? But there has to be a line in the sand and a Presidential candidate who can't, or won't, make a decision without consulting the Mother Ship, who operates with such an intense degree of God-given certainty, who accepts lying as his right and who still thinks Seamus loved being in a shitty crate for twelve hours should be subject to diligent scrutiny. And in my estimation, if you didn't already guess, roundly rejected and sent to rehab. Mitt Romney is no Man for All Seasons and heaven help us if he elected. Frightening.
* Romney’s Faith, Silent but Deep via NY Times
The New York Times article about Mitt Romney's faith is littered with clues as to how his faith would inform his decisions should he become President of these Un-United States...heaven forfend...and provides critical insight into who this Hollow Man really is. It is not a polemic about Mormonism but it's about how Romney interprets his religion and how he adapts it. It is not about issues because those are open to interpretation depending on where Mitt's wet finger determines which way the wind is blowing. The question is: Do you want someone who claims to be on the phone with God calling the shots?
Zealously, Mitt Romney is convinced he has a direct line to the Divine.
- "Mr. Romney also prays before taking action on decisions he has already made (my italics), asking for divine reassurance, a feeling that he is "united with the powers above," Dr. Hassell said.*
But wait. There's more. Lots more.
- "...dozens of the candidate’s friends, fellow church members and relatives describe a man whose faith is his design for living."*
- "But being a Latter-day Saint is “at the center of who he really is, if you scrape everything else off,” said Randy Sorensen, who worshiped with Mr. Romney in church."*
Let me play you few hard core licks of what makes this man tick*:
- "Every presidential candidate highlights patriotism, but Mr. Romney's is backed by the Mormon belief that the United States was chosen by God (my italics) to play a special role in history, its Constitution divinely inspired."*
- "...that leading it (America) is "an obligation and responsibility to God."*
- "He prays for divine guidance on business decisions and political races..."*
- "In church, Mr. Romney frequently spoke about obeying authority, the danger of rationalizing misbehavior and God’s fixed standards."*
- "“Mitt was very much by the rules,” said Tony Kimball, who later served as his executive secretary in the church."*
- "Outside the spotlight, Mr. Romney can be demonstrative about his faith: belting out hymns (“What a Friend We Have in Jesus”) while horseback riding..."* I just had to include this quote. The visual is just too good...Mitt as Gene Autry.
All of this is beyond disturbing, even, I expect, to Christians, Muslims, Jews and other God-believing religions as Mitt seems to have designed his own God to listen to. The very idea of hearing voices, God's voice, is a suspicious version of crazy, though Mitt is not the first person to defer critical thinking to the Divine as an excuse for intellectual laziness. And it allows those believers to express dominance over others who don't toe the same line just as Mitt and others do. This is especially troubling to those of us who don't believe in God. Yes, we don't. And we manage our lives very well, thank you. So, can you imagine having, as your President, an adult who claims to consult an imaginary friend, God, and possibly friends like Lucifer or Jesus? This prospect is the scariest of all. A President that has a special phone to God in the Oval Office is unacceptable and dangerous. And I don't want my tax payer money paying for it.
OK, supposing there is a God and Mitt Romney channels him. How does Mitt square up his Moral Duplicity? Does Mitt-the-Liar pass the smell test for integrity? Because he does lie. A lot. Does God make a special dispensation for Mitt because his design for him is to be President and Liar-in-Chief? How does Mitt internalize and process his lies? Is it okay, because as Mitt's friend infers about him, that the 'end justifies the means'?
- "But many also see a gap between his religious ideals — in Sunday school, he urged his students to act with the highest standards of kindness and integrity — and his political tactics. The chasm has been hard to reconcile, even though people close to him say he is serious about trying to do so."*
- "“I have absolutely no idea how he rationalizes it,” Mr. Kimball said of Mr. Romney’s harshest statements and attacks. “It almost seems to be the ends justifying the means."*
So many alarming questions, no answers. The question of character, in a politician, is a treacherous one because the definition of character floats in a nether world of expediency which supposedly justifies the means and who of us - believers or otherwise - could pass this test of virtue? But there has to be a line in the sand and a Presidential candidate who can't, or won't, make a decision without consulting the Mother Ship, who operates with such an intense degree of God-given certainty, who accepts lying as his right and who still thinks Seamus loved being in a shitty crate for twelve hours should be subject to diligent scrutiny. And in my estimation, if you didn't already guess, roundly rejected and sent to rehab. Mitt Romney is no Man for All Seasons and heaven help us if he elected. Frightening.
* Romney’s Faith, Silent but Deep via NY Times
Channeling God: The Audacity of Being Mitt
Politics, sex and religion are supposed to be avoided like the plague in polite society so as not to upset anyone's tenuous grasp of their carefully constructed worldview - based mostly on fear, I fear, of that which they don't understand, so they can remain cozily wrapped in their security blanket of ignorance. But, this election defies being polite and religion must be addressed with courage and clarity.
The New York Times article about Mitt Romney's faith is littered with clues as to how his faith would inform his decisions should he become President of these Un-United States...heaven forfend...and provides critical insight into who this Hollow Man really is. It is not a polemic about Mormonism but it's about how Romney interprets his religion and how he adapts it. It is not about issues because those are open to interpretation depending on where Mitt's wet finger determines which way the wind is blowing. The question is: Do you want someone who claims to be on the phone with God calling the shots?
Zealously, Mitt Romney is convinced he has a direct line to the Divine.
But wait. There's more. Lots more.
Let me play you few hard core licks of what makes this man tick*:
All of this is beyond disturbing, even, I expect, to Christians, Muslims, Jews and other God-believing religions as Mitt seems to have designed his own God to listen to. The very idea of hearing voices, God's voice, is a suspicious version of crazy, though Mitt is not the first person to defer critical thinking to the Divine as an excuse for intellectual laziness. And it allows those believers to express dominance over others who don't toe the same line just as Mitt and others do. This is especially troubling to those of us who don't believe in God. Yes, we don't. And we manage our lives very well, thank you. So, can you imagine having, as your President, an adult who claims to consult an imaginary friend, God, and possibly friends like Lucifer or Jesus? This prospect is the scariest of all. A President that has a special phone to God in the Oval Office is unacceptable and dangerous. And I don't want my tax payer money paying for it.
OK, supposing there is a God and Mitt Romney channels him. How does Mitt square up his Moral Duplicity? Does Mitt-the-Liar pass the smell test for integrity? Because he does lie. A lot. Does God make a special dispensation for Mitt because his design for him is to be President and Liar-in-Chief? How does Mitt internalize and process his lies? Is it okay, because as Mitt's friend infers about him, that the 'end justifies the means'?
So many alarming questions, no answers. The question of character, in a politician, is a treacherous one because the definition of character floats in a nether world of expediency which supposedly justifies the means and who of us - believers or otherwise - could pass this test of virtue? But there has to be a line in the sand and a Presidential candidate who can't, or won't, make a decision without consulting the Mother Ship, who operates with such an intense degree of God-given certainty, who accepts lying as his right and who still thinks Seamus loved being in a shitty crate for twelve hours should be subject to diligent scrutiny. And in my estimation, if you didn't already guess, roundly rejected and sent to rehab. Mitt Romney is no Man for All Seasons and heaven help us if he's elected. Frightening.
* Romney’s Faith, Silent but Deep via NY Times
The New York Times article about Mitt Romney's faith is littered with clues as to how his faith would inform his decisions should he become President of these Un-United States...heaven forfend...and provides critical insight into who this Hollow Man really is. It is not a polemic about Mormonism but it's about how Romney interprets his religion and how he adapts it. It is not about issues because those are open to interpretation depending on where Mitt's wet finger determines which way the wind is blowing. The question is: Do you want someone who claims to be on the phone with God calling the shots?
Zealously, Mitt Romney is convinced he has a direct line to the Divine.
- "Mr. Romney also prays before taking action on decisions he has already made (my italics), asking for divine reassurance, a feeling that he is "united with the powers above," Dr. Hassell said.*
But wait. There's more. Lots more.
- "...dozens of the candidate’s friends, fellow church members and relatives describe a man whose faith is his design for living."*
- "But being a Latter-day Saint is “at the center of who he really is, if you scrape everything else off,” said Randy Sorensen, who worshiped with Mr. Romney in church."*
Let me play you few hard core licks of what makes this man tick*:
- "Every presidential candidate highlights patriotism, but Mr. Romney's is backed by the Mormon belief that the United States was chosen by God (my italics) to play a special role in history, its Constitution divinely inspired."*
- "...that leading it (America) is "an obligation and responsibility to God."*
- "He prays for divine guidance on business decisions and political races..."*
- "In church, Mr. Romney frequently spoke about obeying authority, the danger of rationalizing misbehavior and God’s fixed standards."*
- "“Mitt was very much by the rules,” said Tony Kimball, who later served as his executive secretary in the church."*
- "Outside the spotlight, Mr. Romney can be demonstrative about his faith: belting out hymns (“What a Friend We Have in Jesus”) while horseback riding..."* I just had to include this quote. The visual is just too good...Mitt as Gene Autry.
All of this is beyond disturbing, even, I expect, to Christians, Muslims, Jews and other God-believing religions as Mitt seems to have designed his own God to listen to. The very idea of hearing voices, God's voice, is a suspicious version of crazy, though Mitt is not the first person to defer critical thinking to the Divine as an excuse for intellectual laziness. And it allows those believers to express dominance over others who don't toe the same line just as Mitt and others do. This is especially troubling to those of us who don't believe in God. Yes, we don't. And we manage our lives very well, thank you. So, can you imagine having, as your President, an adult who claims to consult an imaginary friend, God, and possibly friends like Lucifer or Jesus? This prospect is the scariest of all. A President that has a special phone to God in the Oval Office is unacceptable and dangerous. And I don't want my tax payer money paying for it.
OK, supposing there is a God and Mitt Romney channels him. How does Mitt square up his Moral Duplicity? Does Mitt-the-Liar pass the smell test for integrity? Because he does lie. A lot. Does God make a special dispensation for Mitt because his design for him is to be President and Liar-in-Chief? How does Mitt internalize and process his lies? Is it okay, because as Mitt's friend infers about him, that the 'end justifies the means'?
- "But many also see a gap between his religious ideals — in Sunday school, he urged his students to act with the highest standards of kindness and integrity — and his political tactics. The chasm has been hard to reconcile, even though people close to him say he is serious about trying to do so."*
- "“I have absolutely no idea how he rationalizes it,” Mr. Kimball said of Mr. Romney’s harshest statements and attacks. “It almost seems to be the ends justifying the means."*
So many alarming questions, no answers. The question of character, in a politician, is a treacherous one because the definition of character floats in a nether world of expediency which supposedly justifies the means and who of us - believers or otherwise - could pass this test of virtue? But there has to be a line in the sand and a Presidential candidate who can't, or won't, make a decision without consulting the Mother Ship, who operates with such an intense degree of God-given certainty, who accepts lying as his right and who still thinks Seamus loved being in a shitty crate for twelve hours should be subject to diligent scrutiny. And in my estimation, if you didn't already guess, roundly rejected and sent to rehab. Mitt Romney is no Man for All Seasons and heaven help us if he's elected. Frightening.
* Romney’s Faith, Silent but Deep via NY Times
Thursday, May 3, 2012
I Need A Job. Blogger For Sale
This post has been published before: http://bit.ly/IGGHq6 but I thought what better place than my own blog to advertise for a J O B?! So, here it is again. Prices on request.
Due to recent disclosures of bloggers being paid as 'consultants' for
political campaigns and/or various political agendas, I say, upfront,
"Why hide?". My blog is as good as the next guy's. Okay, I've never
blogged before but I smell opportunity, and the fact that I am new at
this, and now a budding blogger, my credibility is unbesmirched, as I
have never endorsed a product, promoted an agenda, flogged a book or
movie, or even spewed my own self-righteous opinions...yet. My slate is
clean, ready to be sullied by capitalism and adaptable ethics. I am up
for sale. Following, please find a list of categories for which I will
blog mercilessly depending on my consultancy fees. A sliding scale of
money-to-blog ratio is available on request. Pro bono services (I do
have a heart) are available for those with little or no ka-ching. For
pro bono blogging, I will flog your product by blogging within a blog so
you can ride on the coattails of another 'enhanced' product.
Whatever it is that I am blogging, be it an opinion, an issue, a law,
bad-mouthing, an Oscar, whatever, is heretofore referred to as the
'product'. Here are the categories, so far:
Are you about to be indicted? Does your mother know what you've been up
to? Not to worry. I will blog by taking the high ground and cover your
ass with all sorts of spin, and even go the extra mile by writing
letters to the editor of tipsily ethical publications and newspapers
like The New York Times and The Drudge Report. Any photographs of you in
handcuffs will be derided as obvious photoshop enhancements.
Nominees and office holders...escape the brazen plumbing of your inner
sanctum secrets by dirty tricksters and ethics hounddogs...I'll flog
you're 'character' til the cows come home about the fact that you knew
absolutely nothing about anything that ever happened in your entire
life. Character assassination is easily overcome by endless blogging and
a certifiable case of amnesia. Never lose a confirmation again. (I
accept soft money.)
WAR: Do you have a war you want to
start? Let me blog it for you. We can brainstorm any number of cockammie
reasons and I will blog it to death. No food for blogs on this one,
hard cash only.
LEGISLATION: Not quite enough pork in
the barrel? I can target-blog Capital Hill like nobody's business.
Please do not confuse paid consultant blogging with lobbying...blogging
is so much more cost efficient, no martini lunches or Cohibas in the
cloakroom, just straight to your target's e-mail. We know legislators
are monitoring the pulse of the blogging community as though it were
real journalism...as if.
is a tough one and, as such, may cost a little more depending on
whether you want to cover up asinine behavior or correct dastardly
misinformation on, for example, above the title credits, pregnancy,
rehab, pre-nups, etc. Blogging outright denials of obvious plastic
surgery will be charged double. Compromising oneself, for ridicule, is
costly. My entrance into the bloggosphere of self-made pundits is now
hereby official. I look forward to bflogging (not a typo) undetectable
'studies' to support your product, quoting unidentified expert sources
and keeping your product's head above water for the duration
of...whatever it is we're bflogging.
Disclaimer: I
proclaim total and unqualified innocence of any connection to anybody -
at this point...in time. Contact me through posts. Discretion
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
I've been alarmed by what I've been hearing these past few months from people who are repelled and astonished by the unimaginable philistinism of the Republicans, not only of the candidates, but of the party's ignorant lurch to the right...and if ever there was misnomer about what is 'right' and 'wrong', it's the assignation of the the word 'right' to identify the Republicans' agenda. If anything, maybe they are the ones that should actually be called 'left' because they, essentially, have left this planet. (See Pod People)
But what is troubling is how folks are taking Obama's recent higher poll numbers and extrapolating them as per comments on blogs about how this election is a "slam dunk", sniggering remarks about how crazy the "Repugs" are and how "we've got this in the bag". If this portends a trend toward lethargy, passivity and taking the polls for granted, it would spell disaster for Obama's re-election. If you thought this Republican primary season felt like a hundred years in the making, you ain't seen nothin' yet. There are 6 1/2 loooooong, bloodsucking, trench warfare months ahead where anything, anything, could, and will, happen.
Be afraid, people, be very afraid. If you're sick to death of this campaign already, if you've talked to yourself and said that you did it all the first time 'round, if you're moving to Canada no matter what, if you're drowning the political din in gallons of booze, Wake Up! We need all boots on the ground to win this war. The Koch Brothers, et al have been stockpiling ammunition to make WW I and II seem like a walk in the park. Get ready for unrelenting lies, character assassination, voter suppression, search and destroy tactics by the Republican Rottweilers of anything that is in their path.
And, speaking of war, have you noticed that this country is addicted to war? There's a fucking war on EVERYTHING. Seriously. This nation can only think of suiting up to prepare for battle on every issue, the good guys on one side, the bad guys on the other. No wonder we all can't just get along. Why, here are just a few wars that are raging, as we speak, right here in the good ole US of A: War on Women, War on Drugs, War on Terror, War on Fat, War on Iran, War on Christmas, War on Poverty, War on Kids, War on Spam, War on Class, War on Voting, War on Science, War on Guns, War on Androids, War on Intellectualism, War on War. What? Where's the War on Bullshit? We can't even talk without positioning issues as a 'war' or threatening the proverbial 'nuclear option'. Would were it that easy. Drop a bomb and the problem is solved...no more poverty, voter suppression gone, iPhones and Androids co-exist, SPAM obliterated, fat melted...you get the idea.
Ah, but there is a war that's different (said she smugly). Pundits have now declared Game ON since Little Ricky's miracle campaign didn't cross the finish line. The Hollow Man, Mitt(ens) Romney, is almost the last man standing. The Michelin Man, Newt Gingrich, and the Old Man, Dr. Ron Paul refuse to capitulate and who can blame them. If I were a Republican, and hell would freezer over twice before that would ever happen, but if I were, I wouldn't want Mitt as my candidate either, but they are stuck with him. Well, congratulations are in order, Mitt, really. I mean, Mitt's been running for 20 something years now and he's finally made it by bludgeoning his competitors to a whimpering pulp with bricks of dollar bills. The only thing left for him to do is cement their feet and he'll march triumphantly onto the Republican convention stage where the audience will be resentfully whelmed.
Ok, I'm getting to it. The message is that we must have 100% participation in this campaign. Phone banking, registering people to vote, canvassing, GOTV, all important but nothing will be more important than making sure everyone gets out to vote on November 7. Voter suppression be damned. Do everything you can to help President Obama get that second term; and, hopefully, the fantasy of the progressive second term will come true. Here's where you can sign up to volunteer and you will be contacted by another lovely volunteer who will guide you to November: https://my.barackobama.com/page/s/become-a-volunteer
See you on the campaign trail!
But what is troubling is how folks are taking Obama's recent higher poll numbers and extrapolating them as per comments on blogs about how this election is a "slam dunk", sniggering remarks about how crazy the "Repugs" are and how "we've got this in the bag". If this portends a trend toward lethargy, passivity and taking the polls for granted, it would spell disaster for Obama's re-election. If you thought this Republican primary season felt like a hundred years in the making, you ain't seen nothin' yet. There are 6 1/2 loooooong, bloodsucking, trench warfare months ahead where anything, anything, could, and will, happen.
Be afraid, people, be very afraid. If you're sick to death of this campaign already, if you've talked to yourself and said that you did it all the first time 'round, if you're moving to Canada no matter what, if you're drowning the political din in gallons of booze, Wake Up! We need all boots on the ground to win this war. The Koch Brothers, et al have been stockpiling ammunition to make WW I and II seem like a walk in the park. Get ready for unrelenting lies, character assassination, voter suppression, search and destroy tactics by the Republican Rottweilers of anything that is in their path.
And, speaking of war, have you noticed that this country is addicted to war? There's a fucking war on EVERYTHING. Seriously. This nation can only think of suiting up to prepare for battle on every issue, the good guys on one side, the bad guys on the other. No wonder we all can't just get along. Why, here are just a few wars that are raging, as we speak, right here in the good ole US of A: War on Women, War on Drugs, War on Terror, War on Fat, War on Iran, War on Christmas, War on Poverty, War on Kids, War on Spam, War on Class, War on Voting, War on Science, War on Guns, War on Androids, War on Intellectualism, War on War. What? Where's the War on Bullshit? We can't even talk without positioning issues as a 'war' or threatening the proverbial 'nuclear option'. Would were it that easy. Drop a bomb and the problem is solved...no more poverty, voter suppression gone, iPhones and Androids co-exist, SPAM obliterated, fat melted...you get the idea.
Ah, but there is a war that's different (said she smugly). Pundits have now declared Game ON since Little Ricky's miracle campaign didn't cross the finish line. The Hollow Man, Mitt(ens) Romney, is almost the last man standing. The Michelin Man, Newt Gingrich, and the Old Man, Dr. Ron Paul refuse to capitulate and who can blame them. If I were a Republican, and hell would freezer over twice before that would ever happen, but if I were, I wouldn't want Mitt as my candidate either, but they are stuck with him. Well, congratulations are in order, Mitt, really. I mean, Mitt's been running for 20 something years now and he's finally made it by bludgeoning his competitors to a whimpering pulp with bricks of dollar bills. The only thing left for him to do is cement their feet and he'll march triumphantly onto the Republican convention stage where the audience will be resentfully whelmed.
Ok, I'm getting to it. The message is that we must have 100% participation in this campaign. Phone banking, registering people to vote, canvassing, GOTV, all important but nothing will be more important than making sure everyone gets out to vote on November 7. Voter suppression be damned. Do everything you can to help President Obama get that second term; and, hopefully, the fantasy of the progressive second term will come true. Here's where you can sign up to volunteer and you will be contacted by another lovely volunteer who will guide you to November: https://my.barackobama.com/page/s/become-a-volunteer
See you on the campaign trail!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
How to Motivate Democrats. Think Pod People.
Ok, Dems, you have just been handed the most compelling motivational tool of all time...and it's FREEEEE!! Did you watch the South Carolina GOP debate last night? Did your blood pressure skyrocket? Did you jump off the couch and shout at the television? Well, I did and so did my friends who were watching with me. We even had to rewind because we weren't sure we heard right. But we did. This debate, my friends, is the best motivational tool we have. It should be required viewing by every Democrat and Progressive and by everyone who has a brain. No, the Republican candidates do not have brains but I will get to that later.
While the candidates were infuriating, blathering neanderthals, what was really troubling was the mob mentality of the audience. Close your eyes and you could picture them storming the poor house, their flaming cudgels raised high, fangs bared, screeching for the heads of all poor people - white, black, brown, pink, blue, whatever - poor immigrants, paupers and, you may as well throw in, liberals. To them, the poor are the bloodsuckers of society who threaten their conservative, righteous place on their God's good earth. Yes, those people who rose to their feet when Gingrich excoriated the needy were the scariest of all. These people are the reason all Democrats, lapsed or otherwise, should be scared straight off their duffs to volunteer day and night for President Obama's re-election.
Now, back to the candidates. They do not have brains because - and it can now be revealed - they are Pod people disguised as GOP people. Remember Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Here's a little bit about them:
The Pod People are a race of nomadic, extraterrestrial parasites originating from a now dying planet. Realizing that it was only a matter of time before the planet's resources would be completely depleted, the pods somehow evolved the ability to defy gravity and leave their planet's atmosphere in the search of a new world to colonize. For millennia, the pods floated in space like spores, propelled by the solar winds, some occasionally landing on inhabited planets. Once there, they would replace the dominant species by spawning emotionless replicas; the original bodies would then disintegrate into dust once the duplication process was completed. They would then consume all of the planet's resources, only to then leave in search of yet another new world.
The Pods' sole purpose in life was that of individual survival, with no attention given to the civilizations they conquered or the resources they squandered.
And, try as hard as he might to disguise himself as a human, Mitt Romney is, not surprisingly, the holy Pod leader. Poke him and there's nothing there but a flip-flopping semblance of a real person, a Pod calculating how to fit in with humanity but, with no center, he blows this way and that depending on the direction of the solar wind. It is evident that the GOP Pods want to scorch the earth. Pod Perry, Pod Santorum, Pod Gingrich, Pod Paul, Pod Romney whipped the human(?) audience into a frenzy which makes one wonder...are they not Pods, too?
Listen, Democrats, this election is a fight for our planet. Don't be complacent. Make no mistake, the GOP Pods WILL scorch the earth and take civil liberties along with it. It is our human time to make sure that doesn't happen. Where's the wonderful Kevin McCarthy when we need him?
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