Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Make No Mistake. This Is A Coup. John Boehner, Manchurian Candidate.

Helloooo People. Wake up! Something you never imagined could happen in these Un-United States of America, IS HAPPENING. We are in the midst of a COUP by the Taliban Tea Party. No, I am not kidding, this is serious. The crazy minority of Tea Partiers, headed by Ted Cruz, have seized (mind) control of John Boehner, Manchurian Candidate. Instead of the Queen of Diamonds, they show him a picture of Barack Obama and he does anything they ask. For real.

Do you understand? Do you?

Make no mistake...this is a real coup. All the PACS and well-meaning organizations have nothing on these guys. Do you think Ted Cruz is cowed by this? A sad little plea about destroying "The Dream"? Are you serious? Ted Cruz, et al are laughing at this trite, cute petition to call the GOP and tell them to stop spoiling things. "Awww, ok, we'll stop if you call us." Puh-lease. Cruz, like the maniac that he is, is winning. While we're asleep at the wheel.

These are but flies on an elephant, the elephant being Ted Cruz:  
* MSNBC host asks GOPer: “Do you hate Obamacare more than you love your country?”  
* Pat Robertson to GOP: Give up!"The Republicans have got to wave the white flag" 
* New House Republican plan has staff back under the bus

Hahahahahaha. This one really gets me...as though he/they would listen:  
SIGN HERE to demand Ted Cruz and Tea Party Congressmen denounce these heinous acts: http://www.dccc.org/fb-TeaPartyRally

Give me a break, all of these petitions appealing to reason are pathetic...Daily Kos, Talking Points Memo, MSNBC, NARAL, Democrats, Move On and on...love this one:
Left Action 
Don't just get angry at House Republicans -- get even. Send a message, tell them we're taking back the House, and help EMILY's List make it happen: http://leftaction.com/action/tell-house-republicans-were-taking-back-house
As if.

I hope President Obama has a Plan B because these people must be stopped. This is not about diversity of opinions. This is not about free speech. This is not about democracy in action. This is clearly a government takeover and Ted Cruz should be thrown in jail for sedition. I've been saying this for months and now Rachel Maddow is saying it, so maybe someone will listen.

If any petition needs to be circulated, it should be to arrest Ted Cruz for sedition. Done...sign here:

Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Two State Solution. For The Taliban GOP/Tea Party & Everyone Else.

You think the Middle East is locked in a cultural stalemate? Heh, look in your own backyard. If this isn't a clone of the Israeli/Palestinian deadlock, I don't know what is. The Taliban Tea Party - hey, you have to admire how much power they wield for such an incoherent minority - has driven this country to the brink of madness and the only way to fix this is just like the Middle East. The only solution is a two state solution. Here it is: Give them the South - except for Louisiana because we don't them to fuck up New Orleans.

Ok, so there are some nice folks in the South. We'll give them ample time to get themselves together to emigrate to the Normal North. Then, we will build a 'separation barrier', as it's called in Israel, exactly like the wall they have between Israel and the West Bank, and exactly like the one them Tea Baggers want along the border with Mexico. Nobody will bother them. They can carry on and do whatever the fuck they please, shoot guns at will, use magic potions for healthcare and thrive on a meth-based economy. President Ted Cruz can even be the paternal, insane dictator of the United States of Tea Party he so desperately wants to be and those Tea Baggers can say god whenever they goddam please and pray all day long...cause they're gonna need it.

The Two State Solution can't come soon enough because, just as the Middle East can explode at any time, so too, can this cultural ticking time bomb between the Tea Baggers and Everyone Else erupt while we are all passively sitting around wringing our hands. 

I wrote about the Taliban Tea Party back on April 8, 2011 and here it is again as it still stands:

Tea Party Taliban Imposing Sharia-like Law

With the imminent shutdown of the government by the Teabaggers - make no mistake, they are the ones whose intractability is pushing this country to the brink - they are beginning to look a lot like a cult enacting their own type of Sharia law by imposing their repressive and regressive moral code onto all of us 'non-believers'. NO health screenings for women, NO sex education in school, NO abortion counseling or abortion funding NO matter how you got pregnant, NO arts funding, "Waste of money!", NO learning to read, write or 'rithmetic, "Cut education funding. Now!" It's the uneducated hating to learn anything because it might upset their vacuous core 'values'. And god forbid anyone else should read a book and find out that the Philistine Teabaggers are all full of shit. NO climate change. NO birth certificate. NO government. NONONONONO. 

So, the Tea Party is taking a page out of the Al Qaeda handbook. For al-Qaeda, Sharia represents a perfect system for ordering human affairs. And for the Taliban Tea Party, that is exactly how they want the system to be: no room for diversity of thought, a strict adherence to their commandments or punishment by slow asphyxiation of the mind by depriving one of books, classrooms and learning. They want a country devoid of creative thinking, going down the slippery slope to next banning hip hop, all languages but bad English, and just shooting immigrants on site.

Wikipedia calls the Tea party an American populist party and goes on to describe Populism, as a political philosophy urging social and political system change that favors "the people" over "the elites", or favors the common people over the rich and wealthy business owners. Read that, per the Tea Party, as deriding anything that can help “the people” like crushing collective bargaining (I wonder if they know about the Triangle Fire and other apocalyptic worker tragedies and child labor that would still be going on today if it weren’t for collective bargaining aka unions.) And read that as the Tea Party turning the other cheek with regard to obscene corporations, “the elites” (the Kochs), making out like Jesse James in Vegas. As usual, they have everything ass-backwards. 

Here’s their mission from their website: “A community committed to standing together, shoulder to shoulder, to protect our country and the Constitution upon which we were founded!” Yes! With an exclamation mark 'n all! It’s like somebody in grade two wrote it. Or the Republican caucus. Meaningless drivel, and yet the political muscle of their miniscule minions is stupefying.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Obama & Kerry, Lighting the Powderkeg, Pushing U.S. Into Prideful Mid-East War

Of all the Seven Deadly Sins, it is said that Pride is the Mother of them all:
In almost every list, pride (Latin, superbia), or hubris (Greek), is considered the original and most serious of the seven deadly sins, and the source of the others. SOURCE

Can you think of any more prideful reasons for 'surgically bombing' Syria than those spewed forth from John Kerry and Barack Obama than:
* invoking the hideous videos of gassed civilians? Where were videos of Iraq war vets' coffins coming home? Didn't they hide them so they could keep the war machine chugging? Now they're using videos of agonizing deaths of innocent civilians as though they are more horrible than our dead soldiers who took bullets and all nature of other gruesome killing devices.
* The strike would be 'proportional' - what the hell does that mean? Proportional to what? Their misguided Pride and bloated Egos? They should both wear a scarlet "W" on their foreheads.
* The now oft repeated 'international norms' - which bloody 'international norms'? The ones they keep changing to fit their needs? 
* The fact that chemical weapons were used on children. Children! Forget about the adults. Repeating, ad nauseum, that children died. Using children and women to try and tug at our heart strings. 'Men' just muddy the waters when it comes to making their argument.

The Powder-Keg Twins plus John McCain continually talk about how NOT going to war is undermining the credibility of the United States. What credibility? What are they smoking?
Here's just one link to test that credibility:
10 Chemical Weapons Attacks Washington Doesn't Want You to Talk About

I'm sick of hearing how different this will be than the Iraq war. (Again, going on record as having marched against that war too.) To me, this 'strike', as they call it and insist it's not war, has the possibility of being even more incendiary than Iraq, worse that Afghanistan. This could be the match that lights the powder-keg in the mid-east. 

Why? Because of Pride. Boys playing in the sandbox Pride. Seventh grade Pride. Dick Pride. We've heard it all before. This is a conflagration waiting to happen. Yes, the UN is completely useless. That said, all diplomatic efforts have not been exhausted through U.S. channels apparently. Pressure for diplomatic talks needs to be applied like a tourniquet on these Prideful Politicians. And pressure to give more aid to the refugees. That is where the U.S. can restore some credibility. Help the people who are alive.

Krulak’s law is simple: Soldiers in the field interacting with local people are the most important element of nation building and counter insurgency. SOURCE

Obama and Kerry and the war machine can save face - which is like a little gift to prideful people who make egregious, impulsive mistakes - when the House votes against it. The War Twins can rail and thrash about how terrible it is that Congress voted not to give them war powers but then they can pretend to meekly turnaround and abandon their foolishness. If only Obama and Kerry meant it when they talk about representing the will of 'the American people' instead of saying that 'the American people' just don't understand and have to be told what to think. How much more paternalistic can you get?

Stop the world. I want to get off. 

Saved by Russia? Did Russia intentionally wait til the last moment to act as savior to the United States? If so, warmongers will say this proves that saber rattling works. Sigh.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Will Obama Succumb to Pressure by the Nattering Nabobs of the Press?

You remember that famous phrase "nattering nabobs of negativism" uttered by the infamous Spiro Agnew? You don't? It's worth looking up. And it's the one time I have ever agreed with a Republican...and it had to be Agnew, but there you go. The LA Times even posted my letter of support, way back when. William Safire actually wrote those definitive words for Agnew and here's why:
The words that William Safire penned and that Spiro Agnew mouthed actually had enormous impact that has lasted until this day. They helped foster among conservatives and the folks that Nixon called "the silent majority" a growing mistrust of the mainstream media, a mistrust that grew over two generations into a form of hatred. It also started a dangerous spiral of events -- journalists started bending backwards to kowtow to their conservative critics, beginning in the time of Reagan, an ill-advised shift that did not win back a single reader or viewer on the right. Instead, it caused a lot of folks on the left and even the center to wonder why the national media had stopped doing its job, stopped questioning authority. Today, the vast majority of Americans of all political stripes -- conservative, liberal, centrist -- don't believe the "nattering nabobs of negativism, a.k.a. the mainstream media, in record numbers. In the long run, a New Media is emerging that may ultimately prove to be better than what it is replacing, but in the meantime the cost to America in the journalism that was lost during the run-up to the Iraq war and Wall Street's hijacking of the U.S. economy is incalculable.
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/attytood/Nabobs_natter_about_the_passing_of_William_Safire_1929-2009.html#8Ezvo5kA7k4ljeGw.99

The words that William Safire penned and that Spiro Agnew mouthed actually had enormous impact that has lasted until this day. They helped foster among conservatives and the folks that Nixon called "the silent majority" a growing mistrust of the mainstream media, a mistrust that grew over two generations into a form of hatred. It also started a dangerous spiral of events -- journalists started bending backwards to kowtow to their conservative critics, beginning in the time of Reagan, an ill-advised shift that did not win back a single reader or viewer on the right. Instead, it caused a lot of folks on the left and even the center to wonder why the national media had stopped doing its job, stopped questioning authority. Today, the vast majority of Americans of all political stripes -- conservative, liberal, centrist -- don't believe the "nattering nabobs of negativism, a.k.a. the mainstream media, in record numbers. In the long run, a New Media is emerging that may ultimately prove to be better than what it is replacing, but in the meantime the cost to America in the journalism that was lost during the run-up to the Iraq war and Wall Street's hijacking of the U.S. economy is incalculable.
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/attytood/Nabobs_natter_about_the_passing_of_William_Safire_1929-2009.html#8Ezvo5kA7k4ljeGw.99
The words that William Safire penned and that Spiro Agnew mouthed actually had enormous impact that has lasted until this day. They helped foster among conservatives and the folks that Nixon called "the silent majority" a growing mistrust of the mainstream media, a mistrust that grew over two generations into a form of hatred. It also started a dangerous spiral of events -- journalists started bending backwards to kowtow to their conservative critics, beginning in the time of Reagan, an ill-advised shift that did not win back a single reader or viewer on the right. Instead, it caused a lot of folks on the left and even the center to wonder why the national media had stopped doing its job, stopped questioning authority. 

Today, the vast majority of Americans of all political stripes -- conservative, liberal, centrist -- don't believe the "nattering nabobs of negativism, a.k.a. the mainstream media, in record numbers. In the long run, a New Media is emerging that may ultimately prove to be better than what it is replacing, but in the meantime the cost to America in the journalism that was lost during the run-up to the Iraq war and Wall Street's hijacking of the U.S. economy is incalculable. SOURCE

And here they go again. Saying Obama will be considered "weak", his "legacy will be tarnished" if he doesn't go to war. No, his legacy will be 'burnished' if he doesn't go to war. This is insanity. The press - by the way, who the fuck are they? Why does anybody even care what they think? They are simply glorified prompter readers ascribed an exalted understanding of 'what's happening now' - and they are  playing bait and switch with their opinions. How they have the temerity to call Obama weak, at this point, because he is reluctant to go to war is breathtaking. As often as I have disagreed with the President, in this case, getting Congress' approval or disapproval is a brilliant strategic tactic, to get those loud-mouthed do-nothing paid political hacks on record so they can put up or shut up and quit taunting Obama about how his foreign policy is screwed if he doesn't blow up the Middle East. Conscript these malingerers. The army needs more recruits.

It's not just the issues like 'we can't afford another war', 'the money would be better spent on education', 'the U.S. isn't the world's police', 'we have war fatigue'. No. NO, war is not the answer. You've heard this before and certainly after all recent wars, what have we got? Nothing and more war. The country is starving for the dollars we spend on the military. Any high-flying CEO would be fired if his ROI came in with nothing in the annual report. We know that the economy is dependent on the industrial war machine, right? But war solves nothing. And yet, the self-righteous "nattering nabobs of negativism", particularly on CNN, are stoking their war cries with twisted logic.

When a four star general and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey, is reluctant to go to war, then listen to the Pentagon. I can't believe I just wrote that. But there you have it.

The words that William Safire penned and that Spiro Agnew mouthed actually had enormous impact that has lasted until this day. They helped foster among conservatives and the folks that Nixon called "the silent majority" a growing mistrust of the mainstream media, a mistrust that grew over two generations into a form of hatred. It also started a dangerous spiral of events -- journalists started bending backwards to kowtow to their conservative critics, beginning in the time of Reagan, an ill-advised shift that did not win back a single reader or viewer on the right. Instead, it caused a lot of folks on the left and even the center to wonder why the national media had stopped doing its job, stopped questioning authority. Today, the vast majority of Americans of all political stripes -- conservative, liberal, centrist -- don't believe the "nattering nabobs of negativism, a.k.a. the mainstream media, in record numbers. In the long run, a New Media is emerging that may ultimately prove to be better than what it is replacing, but in the meantime the cost to America in the journalism that was lost during the run-up to the Iraq war and Wall Street's hijacking of the U.S. economy is incalculable.
Read more at http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/attytood/Nabobs_natter_about_the_passing_of_William_Safire_1929-2009.html#8Ezvo5kA7k4ljeGw.99

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

My Line In The Sand For Obama. Syria.

I thought my line in the sand for Obama would be if he nominated Larry Summers, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, but I've moved the line up (I'm sure he's shaking in his boots) to if he gives the okay for military action in Syria. Obushama.

Somehow this feels like déjà vu all over again. Like 2003. The invasion of Iraq. I vividly remember listening to the vote count in Congress, who was voting 'for', who 'against', and having that horrible sinking feeling that the Bush/Cheney lies had worked their magic. We were going to war.

I marched against that war, several times, but nobody paid attention to us. We marched in front of the CNN building in Hollywood and no one even bothered to cover it. And now this. The drums of the Industrial War Complex beating loud and clear. It's time to crank up the war machine. For what?

Drop a missile someplace in Syria and supposedly scare Assad so silly that he'll come out waving a white flag and beg forgiveness for gassing hundreds, probably thousands, of people. Yeah, right. There is no place in Syria that bombing it would make one whit of difference. They're not going to bomb the chemical weapons warehouses, they're not going to bomb civilian populations, they already said they're not going to bomb Assad...so where the hell are they going to bomb...and WHY?

You know what they - meaning the U.S. and partners - should be doing? They should be taking care of all the refugees that have fled Syria and are now living in the squalor of refugee camps. No future. No life. If they can't do anything of value in Syria, at least take care of the people. TAKE CARE OF THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE SURVIVED. Check this website: http://syrianrefugees.eu/ THIS is a human tragedy.

Going to war, again, is just unimaginable. We've seen it time and time again. The epitome of crazy. Repeating the same stupid military actions, hoping for a different result. What can we do to stop it? Anything? So sad.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Making the Case FOR Mayor Bob Filner, Douchebag Politician

Should Bob Filner Resign? 81 Percent Of San Diego Says Yes, According To New Poll

You've undoubtedly heard of Bob Filner, Horndog Mayor of San Diego, accused by 16 women of sexual harassment. So what else is new for - can I lump them altogether? - douchbag politicians? It's almost a DNA prerequisite. I'll pose a 'Passover question': Why is this politician different from every other douchebag politician? Answers?

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Egypt Envy: The American Revolution Redux

So, you're calling the revolution in Egypt a 'coup'? Is that a bad thing? I mean, it's July 4th, America's Independence Day, a celebration of a coup, n'est ce pas? That's what I heard in President Obama's address to the nation today. Honestly, you would have thought he was talking about Egypt. Listen to this:

" On July 4th, 1776, a small band of patriots declared that we were a people created equal – free to think and worship and live as we please.  It was a declaration heard around the world – that we were no longer colonists, we were Americans, and our destiny would not be determined for us; it would be determined by us. Substitute: We are Egyptians and our destiny will not be determined for us (so stay out of this America); it will be determined BY US.-->

It was a bold and tremendously brave thing to do.  It was also nearly unthinkable.  At that time, kings and princes and emperors ruled the world. (and today we have dictators, religious zealots, punks) But those patriots were certain that a better way was possible. (Egyptian patriots are certain that a better way is definitely possible and they ain't taking 'no can do' as an answer.) And to achieve it – to win their freedom – they were willing to lay it all on the line. Their lives. Their fortunes.  Their sacred honor. (Hundreds of thousands of Egyptians are doing like-wise.)"

 "I want to say a special word of thanks to the men and women of our military, who have played such a vital role in the story of our nation.(Isn't the military playing a vital role in Egypt? Of course, like all 'militaries', they must be watched.)  You have defended us at home and abroad.  And you have fought on our nation’s behalf to make the world a better, safer place. (Uh, not so much.) "  

Here's where Egypt Envy comes in. Watch Egyptians out on the street for days and days and weeks and weeks and not for the first time! Remember, they did this a couple of years ago which sparked the Arab Spring and revolutions in repressive countries with repressive regimes. And when their infant democracy looked like it was going south under Hamid Morsi, they let him know that no one is safe to rule the people. It is the people who rule the 'leaders'. And that is exactly what happened on the 4th of July, 237 years ago today in these United States of America. I can hear you say, "But we Americans peacefully vote out representatives we don't like on election day." Sadly, our 'democratic' system is dangerously rigged and we better protest to fix that, too, or eventually, we too will live under a repressive regime. Revolutions aren't always fought on the street. Dastardly right wingers are doing everything they can to undermine our system so they can 'rule' you. Do not take anything for granted.

While I'm not advocating revolution (helloooo NSA), Americans would do well to learn something from these protesters. Americans have the attention span of a gnat. A one day rally here, an afternoon protest there, sign a few petitions online and, ta da, "I'm an activist!" It takes a lifetime to effect change or keep what you already have. Words are cheap. Get off the couch. Take all that energy you have yelling at the television when you hear the news about injustices here at home, and become an actual activist, a lifelong one. In the spirit of our revolutionary forefathers, keep your eye on the ball and don't ever let our leaders forget who they are working for. 


Monday, June 24, 2013

Didn't Trayvon Martin also 'Stand Your Ground'?

I'm a little confused by this Stand Your Ground law. "In the United States of America, stand-your-ground law states that a person may justifiably use force in self-defense when there is reasonable belief of an unlawful threat, without an obligation to retreat first."

So, how is it that George Zimmerman is using the Stand Your Ground law, to justify killing Trayvon Martin, because he said he felt threatened...so why can't Trayvon Martin use the same law because he most certainly felt threatened by some stranger going after him with a semi-assualt rifle? Stand Your Ground must be reciprocal, right?

Answers, thoughts....

Monday, May 27, 2013

Terrorists Decide to Go on Holiday as U.S. Implodes All By Itself

Ahmad: "Hey, Hafiz, did you see another overpass fell apart? This one in Missouri. Was that one even on our blow-up list?"

Hafiz: "Yeah, it was new on the list so we just saved a whole lot of dynamite...nevermind saving us the pain-in-the-ass of transporting it there. Say, can you make a meeting of the Elite Masterminds, al-Qaeda branch, this Thursday after morning prayers - that is, if you do them? We're meeting in Cave #3, password VACAY. And this time leave your laptop at home. Last meeting of the Honorable Jihadists, the porn was just too distracting and we couldn't get any work done. And the place was a mess. Hope you were able to unstick the keyboard."

Ahmad: "Yes, yes, agree with respect. No laptop. Ask for your supreme forgiveness for brain fart! Ha, ha! Learned that from American jihadi. Praying that tumblr keeps its porn pages."

Meeting. Interior Cave #3.

Six members of Elite Masterminds sit around a campfire, passing a pipe. No laptops.

Supreme Leader Omar: "Welcome, greetings of respect and reverence to all of you and a thousand blessings that you made it here, from near and far, for this important meeting. Apparently, our new super secret communication system, landlines, is working beautifully. 'Props' (learned from American jihadist) to our revered and awesome (please forgive Western influence...am working on addiction) brother, Abu, for coming up with such a simple solution to connecting under the radar. Like, who uses landlines anymore?! Brilliant. Blessings to you, Abu, and may you have a million Jihadi children.

Ok, we're here because it has come to our attention that we seem to be wasting our time planning the destruction of the United States of America. Deranged, subversive sources inform us that the U.S. is falling apart all on its own and honorable sources are worried they will be out of a job...but, on the bright side, they will blend in even better with filthy non-believer citizens who are also unemployed.

Abu, honorable and thundering warrior, head of PR and Washington lobbyist, may you honor us with your report.

Abu: Blessings and admiration, may you all live a thousand lives with vestal virgins. First, I want to congratulate Hadid for winning numbers in the Power Ball - may Allah forgive us - as he has generously tithed his winnings, even without us threatening to cut his head off, so that we may, Allah willing, upgrade our suicide bomber jackets to ones our glorious leader spotted in the Patagonia catalogue. Please honorably note, we are now moving into sustainable garments where possible.

And now for the news you are all here for. As Supreme Leader Omar indicated with his brilliant and perceptive mind and his subversive subscription to the New York Times as well as our deranged colleagues hidden in plain sight in the U.S., it has become plainly obvious that we can put on pause our intricate and stealthy plans to do Jihad to our filthy infidels because they are doing a stellar job all by themselves.

May we bow before Allah and blow kisses to him for this: Thousands of Bridges in U.S. Could Collapse If Only Single Part Fails You see. He, Oh Glorious One, has answered our prayers to help us bring down the greatest country in the world - well, that's how they bill themselves - by turning themselves against themselves. Does Allah get any more creative than that?

And now for the kicker, honorable soldiers. Because of my deft and humble lobbying - but of course, only with Allah's help - get this! Banks’ Lobbyists Help in Drafting Financial Bills  Let us put 'on hold' our delicious, nefarious plans to infiltrate and destroy the conceited and arrogant United States' economy. Again, they are doing it, thanks and bows to Allah, to themselves. There is an old and imaginative saying that I learned from my years of being head ladies dorm monitor - they thought I was an uncorrupted holy man: Putting the wolf in charge of the hen house. So it is with the corruptible and greedy bankers.

With Allah's blessed help, that is my report. Over to you Supreme Leader.

Supreme Leader Omar: Blessings for such an honorable and insightful report. So, the good news is, al-Qaeda brethern, we are suspending all destructive plans, for Allah knows how long, until America gets its shit together and we can resume jihad. Until then, we are GOING ON HOLIDAY! You have earned a little R&R, a reprieve from suicides and beheadings, stonings and machete-wielding. You must be exhausted. Brochures for possible vacation locations are on the rock as you go out. It is advised that we can obtain group rates.

Go in peace...for the time being...in blessings and friendship. Blessed is Allah. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

For all you repressed Christian haters out there...

Geezuz, what the hell is wrong with these people. Jason Collins comes out at the age of 33...THIRTY-THREE! He's been - I don't want to say 'hiding in the closet'...that's just ridiculous. He's been managing his life so you CHRISTIAN haters, you SPORTS DOOFUSES, you PATHETIC flotsam of humanity bobbing around life out there...won't vilify him, string him up - hey, he's black and he's gay - won't think he's going to hell - hey, guess what? He doesn't fucking care anymore what you think. He's FREE. That is what the American use of the word 'freedom' means. Free to be who you are. Free to be who you are without hurting a fly.

You're probably too bloody young to remember this book: Free To Be You and Me by Marlo Thomas..."the basic concept was to encourage post-1960s gender neutrality, saluting values such as individuality, tolerance, and comfort with one's identity. A major thematic message is that anyone—whether a boy or a girl—can achieve anything." Well, that was in NINETEEN SEVENTY-TWO! What the hell is wrong with this country? Sorry, my panties are in a twist over this.

Some doofus on ESPN - hope he's job hunting right now - had this to say:

ESPN Sportscaster Immediately Trashes First Out NBA Player: Jason Collins Is Not ‘A Christian’

He made the comments in front of his openly gay colleague, LZ Granderson:

BROUSSARD: Personally, I don’t believe that you can live an openly homosexual lifestyle or an openly, like premarital sex between heterosexuals. If you’re openly living that type of lifestyle, then the Bible says you know them by their fruits. It says that, you know, that’s a sin. If you’re openly living in unrepentant sin, whatever it may be, not just homosexuality, whatever it maybe, I believe that’s walking in open rebellion to God and to Jesus Christ. So I would not characterize that person as a Christian because I don’t think the bible would characterize them as a Christian.

First of all, he, Broussard, is obviously gay (repressed) but somebody has to tell him that his version of Christianity is a total fantasy. Hmmm, maybe that's it. He fantasizes about Jesus. 

There are so many 'wars' out there...you've noticed, right? How very Christian to be constantly at 'war' about something...Muslims, drugs, women, healthcare, sex, sex ed, OMG it goes on an on. I have nothing more to say except to repeat: "I'm mad as Hell and I'm not going to take this anymore". Enough with dunderheads telling us how to live and what to think. Frankly, I'm sick of Christianity.

Feel free to SHARE. Thanks.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The NRA As Third Party, Shadow President & Militant Enforcer

The title says it all really. They are f**king running this country. For now anyway. Because they have got those weak-willied Congressmen by the nuts, terrified of acting on principle (do they have any?) and scared out of their minds of losing their jobs. Because if they lost, they would have to get a real job.

How the NRA got to this position of power should be a dire warning to the citizenry of this country. Passivity, complacence and letting others (activists) do the work is not a viable business model. Passionate crazies have a ton of energy and are laser focused on their goals. Regular people watch the news, wring their hands, complain about the government and often don't even bother to vote. Keep it up and next thing you know, Wayne "KooKoo" (click on link) LaPierre will be taking the Oath of Office.

Seriously, folks - to quote our dear VP - if this isn't a call to arms - yes, you heard that right - then I don't know what will get people off their butts to take part in this so-called democracy of ours. Petitions on-line are asking people to take a 'pledge' to not give money to the shamed candidates, Democrat or Republican, who voted against the Firearms Bill that simply mandates background checks before someone buys a gun. Apparently 91% of Americans want background checks but there was a disconnect somewhere that didn't get that message across. It's easy to sit at your computer and click on petitions 'n stuff but the real action happens when people are truly passionate about their issues, get involved, give of their time and see causes through to the end.

We did not elect the NRA and they have no business dictating policy to the extent that they do. They are drunk with power and they must be stopped.

We are the 91%. Here are a few ways to help in California - Firearms Policy Coalition: https://www.firearmspolicy.org/take-action/california/https://www.firearmspolicy.org/take-action/california/  Check other states for opportunities to help put the NRA where they belong. At a shooting range. Or something.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Wondering: Would Pro-Lifers Abort A Gay Baby?

Okay, so here's a question for all you 'Pro-Lifers'. As I'm sure you are painfully aware, there are a couple of cases being argued in front of the Supreme Court today and tomorrow that have to do with gay marriage. Yeah, I know, the thought of it just twists you into slip knots that you probably learned in the Boy Scouts.  

But aside from gays - who you can't stand no matter what they do or that they even exist - I'm curious how you square your Pro-Life stance with baby gays. Because, as you know, but don't want to acknowledge, being gay...or being born blonde or blue-eyed or curly-haired or tall or having big feet, smart or stupid and so on...is not a choice. I know you have trouble with that. 

Well, wait. Let me back up a bit. Can we agree that there is 'curve' of sexuality with regard to human beings? You know, some of you just hate sex...so that would be kind of in the middle of the paradigm of sexuality...with people who are totally hetero on one end and totally gay on the other and then everything inbetween. You see what I'm talkin' about?

So here's the question: If there were a test for gayness in utero, would you be for abortion? I know it's kind of a crude question but, what are your thoughts on that?

If the sanctity of life is paramount, then if, say, you're a pregnant Tea Bagger lady living in Wisconsin who a) hates gays b) believes 'all' life is sacred - and you find out the precious life inside of you is GAYGAYGAY, would you welcome the little human product of your fornication as one of God's children? Or would you run to the nearest abortion clinic and blot out what you would consider God's mistake? I'll give a generous 10 seconds to answer.

Oh, so you'd have it and immediately give it up for adoption. But you would keep a cherished baby with physical birth defects, right? Just not a gay one. Ok, got it. 



Wednesday, January 30, 2013

No Need To Invade Iraq. We've Got WMD's Right Here.

Breaking News. Again.

Mass Shooting In Phoenix Office Building Hours After Gabrielle Giffords Testifies at Congressional Hearing on Gun Control.

It occurred to me this morning (before the above news) as I was pumping iron at Gold's...you know, bench pressing 250..that we really don't have to look across the pond for WMD's. They're right here in the USA, maybe even next door. So, what to do? Invade ourselves? Probably not. Not enough oil.

But the NRA defends owning assault weapons just in case the government tries to turn around and take over or something like that. Silly notion. They could never get bipartisan support so that's unlikely to happen. But 'mishugenah' gun owners want to blow away anyone who comes near them who they imagine will break into their bunkers to take away their very own precious WMD. WTF. This is some crazy thinking. Dictionary.com's meaning for 'crazy' is 'mentally strange' which captures 'crazy' a whole lot better, in this case. One could also call them deranged, but really, it doesn't matter what you call them, it just matters that they exist. How are we going to deal with that?

Here's NRA insane motherf**ker, Wayne LaPierre (Is that his real name? Have they done a background check on him?):

LaPierre wrote unambiguously in his first book, published in 1994: “[T]he people have a right…to take whatever measures necessary, including force, to abolish oppressive government.” The same year Congress passed a ten-year ban on assault weapons. The following spring, on April 13, 1995, LaPierre signed a fund-raising letter to NRA members: “The semiauto ban gives jack-booted government thugs more power to take away our constitutional rights, break in our doors, seize our guns, destroy our property, and even injure or kill us.” - How the NRA became the fringe by Frank Smyth

BTW, I'm sure he has a 24/7 security goon squad following him around, making sure he's wearing his bullet-proof vest because he's afraid some mentally strange person might be sick-up-to-here of his stupid rhetoric. It goes both ways.

We need to keep up the pressure on Congress to make sure they don't continue their cowardly ways.  Those elected officials from gun country should be ready to stand their ground (remember that?) against their crazy constituents or not get re-elected. Do those nutjobs actually vote anyway?  

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