With the imminent shutdown of the government by the Teabaggers - make no mistake, they are the ones whose intractability is pushing this country to the brink - they are beginning to look a lot like a cult enacting their own type of Sharia law by imposing their repressive and regressive moral code onto all of us 'non-believers'. NO health screenings for women, NO sex education in school, NO abortion counseling or abortion funding NO matter how you got pregnant, NO arts funding, "Waste of money!", NO learning to read, write or 'rithmetic, "Cut education funding. Now!" It's the uneducated hating to learn anything because it might upset their vacuous core 'values'. And god forbid anyone else should read a book and find out that the Philistine Teabaggers are all full of shit. NO climate change. NO birth certificate. NO government. NONONONONO.
So, the Tea Party is taking a page out of the Al Qaeda handbook. For al-Qaeda, Sharia represents a perfect system for ordering human affairs. And for the Taliban Tea Party, that is exactly how they want the system to be: no room for diversity of thought, a strict adherence to their commandments or punishment by slow asphyxiation of the mind by depriving one of books, classrooms and learning. They want a country devoid of creative thinking, going down the slippery slope to next banning hip hop, all languages but bad English, and just shooting immigrants on site.
Wikipedia calls the Tea party an American populist party and goes on to describe Populism, as a political philosophy urging social and political system change that favors "the people" over "the elites", or favors the common people over the rich and wealthy business owners. Read that, per the Tea Party, as deriding anything that can help “the people” like crushing collective bargaining (I wonder if they know about the Triangle Fire and other apocalyptic worker tragedies and child labor that would still be going on today if it weren’t for collective bargaining aka unions.) And read that as the Tea Party turning the other cheek with regard to obscene corporations, “the elites” (the Kochs), making out like Jesse James in Vegas. As usual, they have everything ass-backwards.
Here’s their mission from their website: “A community committed to standing together, shoulder to shoulder, to protect our country and the Constitution upon which we were founded!” Yes! With an exclamation mark 'n all! It’s like somebody in grade two wrote it. Or the Republican caucus. Meaningless drivel, and yet the political muscle of their miniscule minions is stupefying.
Excellent points!
Excellent points!
Small crimes always precede great ones. Never have we seen timid innocence pass suddenly to extreme licentiousness.
I think comparing the most backward republicans and mixing them up with various members of the Teaparty is a mistake, and a misunderstanding of what Sharia is.
The Salafi Wahabbists will kill ya if you don't worship the way they think you ought too, even muslims, but even they aren't anti-science and anti-education.
Since these crazy Religious right Republicans are willing to kill abortion doctors and want to dismantle schools and rewrite history, I think that makes them more dangerous. There is nothing wrong with Sharia, but it can be interpreted as radically backward or embracing of social justice as sects of judaism or christianity.
As far as the Tea party, they have be looked at individually because some are of an independent mind and will not be controlled by the Religious Right or Koch Brothers or stay in line as per Republican leaders order them to. I'd put Rand Paul and Jason Chaffetz in this group. Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin are the religious nuts and both are Tea Party opportunists. Marco Rubio is actually a conservative republican.
In the case of Paul and Chaffetz, they at least are pulling off some actual insurgent maneuvers and are exposing the corruption and rot of both parties as far as senate and congress tight fisted party control. Despite their odious views they do make good allies in some fights, like against banksters.
Good points, Anonymous, but I did say "their own type of Sharia law" taking the bad and the ugly...
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