Sunday, November 4, 2012

Romney: A Wealthy Man With A Deficit...of Character

If Mitt Romney wants to get rid of the deficit, he should start with himself. The man has the biggest, deepest deficit of character ever exhibited on the world stage who wasn't a murderer.

Certainly this old joke, “How can you tell when a politician is lying? When his (or her) lips move.” is true enough, but this self-professed religious, Christ-loving Mormon defies any definition of character, in any religion, by lyinglyinglying. About everything. He's a kleptomaniacal fabulist who steals anything he hears, true or not, grabbing for tidbits of tired rhetoric of what he thinks people may want to hear. The desperation of wanting to be relevant, to better his daddy, to be in the spotlight is pathetic especially since there seems to be no other reason he is running for President.

Forget about flip-flopping, forget about whether you agree or disagree with his policies (whatever they are), forget him being a tight-ass wooden automaton, forget about him being rich, I just want to know how this man sleeps at night? Probably very well as those do who haven't the slightest bit of a nagging conscience. Isn't that lack of conscience a symptom of being a psychopath? It would be illuminating to sit inside the Romney brain and watch him connect his synapses into the whirling spin that must take place for him to justify his egregious behavior.

Is this a person who should be President of the United States?

Aside from Romney, The Hollow Man, consider the frightening Supreme Court appointment possibilities. I wrote this during the last election, but it still applies: "It's The Supremes, Stupid"

So, hey Progressives (of which I am one), hey all of you who don't feel like voting or think it doesn't matter, hey you who think writing in Homer Simpson is a cute protest and doesn't matter. IT MATTERS.

VOTE FOR PRESIDENT OBAMA & then, after the election, stay active, get involved in issues that will make a difference, work for a Third Party, work to get rid of the electoral college, work for Single Payer, work for the Dream Act, and on and on. But this Tuesday, your vote does matter. It's the Power of's yours to use or throw away (but then you not allowed to bitch).

OBAMA 2012!

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