Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy 2009...if possible.

2008. Whadda year! From the heights of glorious imagination, stupendous accomplishment, mindblowing ecstacy - and relief - (all related to the Obama campaign, of course, from beginning to end) to the depths of human contemptible behavior, this year has been a dizzying ride.

It seems that nothing has been done in moderation. Reaching the pristine air of the mountaintop, or plunging directly to the smoldering toxic flames of purgatory, human beings displayed the absolute best and worst of their animality.

The Best: Millions of people dug deep into their best selves to come together, as never before, for a common purpose - electing Obama - and exhibited the inimitable strengths of the human spirit, riding as one on the waves of commands coming from the campaign, demonstrating the best of our pack behavior*. What a result!

The Worst: Politicos and businessmen flaunted the most mind-bogglingly egregious behavior that smacked of a pathological lack of any conscience whatsoever, and narcissism** that was beyond the pale. Whatever dybbuk flipped the switch in these guys (were there any women?), must be laughing its head off at the destruction and chaos these human hurricanes left in their shit strewn paths. Hey, the armed forces need new recruits. Well, here's a group of dickhead tough guys who should be forced to join the Army (Marines won't have them), for at least two tours in Iraq, Afghanistan or wherever their dastardly selves can be regularly humiliated by their awful cowardice.

Whither we go next? Will we be treading water all year, out of necessity, and just be glad to make it through to 2010? Will these really sour lemons we've been handed make it impossible to get even a drop of lemonade out of our lives in 2009? Well, the fact that Obama will finally be taking office, and Bush will be slinking off to Crawford, could well be lemonade enough for me. That said, and as we all know, Obama has some pretty intractable issues to deal with, and we're certainly not all going to be on board with his decisions; but, I'll be happy to be unhappy with them.

Now is the time to reevaluate our priorities - some by necessity, some by taking a good hard look at what really matters to us. Passion for whatever interests us can open the door to so many possibilities through creative thinking, being adventurous and taking risks into the boundless beyond. The world awaits. Well, most of the world. So, here's to an Interesting 2009! ONWARD!

Dogs have a well-developed social system. This system establishes orderly relations among the members. In order for a group of animals to function efficiently the system must have an order and a process of communication which helps to promote that order.

** Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a personality disorder defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the diagnostic classification system used in the United States, as "a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and a lack of empathy."

The narcissist is described as turning inward for gratification rather than depending on others and as being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power and prestige. Narcissistic personality disorder is closely linked to self-centeredness. (DUH)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Senator Kennedy I Presume?

I was googling the words 'disgraced', 'corrupt', 'indicted', 'impeached', 'financiers', 'politicians', 'CEO's', and so on, as I wanted to try and get a count to include in this post; but, lo and behold, the numbers are mind-boggling. The people who, We The People, entrust to represent us in the marketplace or the halls of government and justice, do so with blind faith, and spend little time digging beyond the media and public relations representation of those people. Do we get what we deserve for not holding our representatives accountable? What I do know is that WE need to take more responsibility for who we elect to office, who we place our money with, who we reward with celebrity, who we accept at face value when we intuitively know better. Ideology be somewhat damned...good ole fashioned honesty should be our benchmark. Here are just a couple of organizations that monitor corruption close to home and internationally, and check out, or START a citizen watchdog group of your own:
international group:

So, where does Caroline Kennedy come into this? Aside from all of the arguments that she doesn't have the experience, hasn't been elected to office, etc., as have many current 'experienced' senators when they started out, Caroline Kennedy doesn't have any tainted baggage, and, I would venture to say, would be incorruptible. That alone makes her qualified. Ok, aside from political chits she may have to pay back. But, how refreshing to have someone who hasn't been in 'the game' and who can bring a fresh perspective to the problems that will be facing her as senator. My only question about her candidacy is whether she has the stamina, and fire in the belly, to withstand the media onslaught that will be sure to dog her forever.

So, even though we have elected a straightforward, honest, transparent President, Barack Obama, We The People, cannot just sit back and expect that, all of a sudden, everyone will drink truth serum and become honest, upstanding citizens. We need to take responsibility, join a watchdog group, and hold these people accountable.

In t
he famous words of Howard Beale: "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore." This should be the rallying cry of every concerned citizen. It is amazing how this rant withstands the test of could have been filmed yesterday. To help us keep up the outrage, and remind us of our stake in governance, let's watch this every so often, and let's get out of our chairs and 'walk the walk':

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Rabid Dog Cornered

Everybody's weighing in about Governor Rod Blagojevich. I have nothing insightful to add except to say that don't expect him to vacate the office unless he's dragged out of there in a white jacket. He's cornered and has absolutely nothing to lose, so he'll do whatever the hell he pleases and say anything the hell he wants. And if this rabid dog attacks, you can be sure his target will sustain serious injuries. That target could well be Obama as the symbol of everything that Blagojevich isn't and as the one person who was in his path to greater glory.

So, let's send in Tony Soprano to deliver a little message to that he would understand. In the end, Governor Blagojevich would be a very wise, happy, and thankful person to be given the opportunity to resign. Otherwise, we'll have to send in Paulie Walnuts.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Obama Backtracks on Windfall Tax...Windfall Being a Misnomer

I have been trying to educate myself on what exactly a windfall tax is. To put it simply (I think), if oil companies make above a certain percentage of profit, they are taxed on it. The argument seems to be that it is unfair to tax these windfalls as it just disincentives the oil companies to do R & D. Their thinking apparently is, why would they spend money to explore or develop innovative ways to create new energy products when all they're going to do is be taxed on those profits. And, the right wingers say all taxes are bad for the economy. Right. I'd like them to realistically explain where we would be without them.

But, PUHLEASE. I understand that corporations should be free to make barrels of money because they're in business, and that's the whole point of being in business, right? But shouldn't they also have a conscience? There's a diagnosis for behavior that 'withholds' like that, it's called passive aggressive. Corporations that withhold
their R & D, or whatever Damocles sword they hold over the government's head, are bad citizens and need therapy.

Now is exactly the time that these corporations should be kicking in $ of their own free will to help out the economy. Instead of paying PR firms to gussy up their image, they could do it themselves by being good corporate citizens and volunteer(!) a percentage of their obscene profits. Just think of the mileage they would get out of it. Let's say Chevron - who has a big reimaging PR campaign going on right now - took that PR money, and, instead put it into an emergency fund to help consumers (and no top-heavy administration costs to fritter it away).

During the primaries, Obama talked about repealing the tax breaks for oil companies that are already in place. What happened to that? Boy, I would hate to think that he is already caving to the oil companies. For what? Why?
And, this I don't understand...what difference does it make if the price of oil is down for now? That's ostensibly the reason that Obama retreated from his promise of an "emergency energy rebate" for the beleaguered middle class. We all know that what goes down will also go up. Eventually.

I seem to have posed more questions here than comments...I guess because there are so many unanswered questions about how Obama will make good on his promise of taking on corporations. Please President-elect Obama, show the corporations some tough love, and hold their feet to the fire. Make 'em do the right thing. And, show US, the little guys, some real love, and go to bat for us as you said you would. That's why we voted for you; that's why you are where you are. We love you, but don't piss us off. Please.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Richardson Appointment

The appointment of Bill Richardson, as Commerce Secretary, must have been a bit of satisfying retribution for the Clintons as they knew how much Richardson wanted to be Secretary of State. Maybe that was even a part of Hillary's thinking as she pondered whether or not to accept the appointment. As we know, they, and all 'good' politicians, never forget and the Clintons considered Richardson's endorsement of Obama the ultimate betrayal.

These two Secretaries are the real rivals, not simply "competitors", as Richardson said in his press conference address. Let's see if this spirit of koombya infects all of Obama's so-called Cabinet of Rivals. This should keep things interesting.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Someone Should Write an Opera

I have the whole libretto in my head. All I need is a composer. For what you ask? Oh, just for the drama that has been going on for the last two years during this epic election cycle. But that would only be the back story. THAT drama is so yesterday. The staged opera would start with the trimphal victory march of Barack Obama entering center stage, out-sized, gigantic black SUVs escorting him on either side (SUVs being the modern day elephants), fireworks going off, throngs reaching up, rushing the stage from audience level, Michelle beside him and daughters skipping around. Of course, his courtiers, David Axelrod, David Plouffe, Jon Carson, Valerie Jarrett, and Reggie Love a respectful two steps behind, all singing a jubilant chorus of distinct songs about their own roles in the campaign. Sounds like it would be dissonant...not at all. You know, this is the no drama Obama administration, and they would all end up in sync with the President-elect's theme song, "Change, Change, Change".

While everyone is rockin' out
, suddenly, the music morphs from ecstatic to ominous, clouds roll in overhead, thunder (love those timpani) and lightening flashes mid-stage, almost striking the leads. Players swirl quickly and disperse stage right and left, when the biggest burst of thunder and lightening lights up the stage. Lo and behold, rising out of the center of the floor is...Queen Hillary! Surrounded by her own cauldron of attendants. Watch the games begin!

This drama was MADE for opera, and I have the rest of it in my head but it would take much too long (I have to be at a wine tasting) to write the rest, but please feel free to fill in scenes and dialogue as you might imagine them. It's so easy to envision...Hillary being courted, scenes of her and Obama meeting, singing arias of entreaty, politesse, refutation, very little humility. Courtiers have their own behind-the-scenes libretto, and all eventually reconvene center stage for Hillary's acceptance of her new role of Madam Secretary of State. And, finally Bill, who has a minor roll in this libretto, strides on stage, shit-eating grin 'n red nose 'n all, with a neon crown and places it on Hillary's head. Michelle and children cheerfully rush through the front door of a model White House, their new puppy bounding around the stage. It all portends to a Lassie ending. Or does it? More to come.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Smile That Lights Up The World

First of all, did you catch 60 Minutes last night? There were Michelle and Barack, charming, playful, smart, REAL, and looking Good. Just even referring to them by their first names implies a connection not felt with Presidents for a long, long time. Wouldn't it be great to have dinner with them? Can you imagine saying you loved watching Laura and George in an interview or even just feel a sense of comfort calling them by their first names? (Ok, if you're a Republican.)

It will be interesting to see what the Obamas are like when they are interviewed four years from now. Will they be weary, jaded, grey? Probably. But now we see them fresh and ready to tackle the biggest job in the world. That takes courage, guts and confidence. And we wish them well on this most amazing journey.

And, I know this sounds worshipful, but, without having signed one law or executive order, Obama's smile,
all by itself, adds wattage power to the world, and brings much needed light to the darkest recesses of humankind. People all over the world see that smile, it makes them smile, and in turn, it turns up the feel good thermometer. That, alone, is consoling, and it doesn't cost anything. Yeah, I told you it sounds worshipful.

In fact, we just missed World Smile Day on October 3. Check it out here: And, if you think I've gone all soft, maybe I have, but smiling has real benefits. Try it. You'll like it.

1. Smiling makes us attractive.

We are drawn to people who smile. There is an attraction factor. We want to know a smiling person and figure out what is so good. Frowns, scowls and grimaces all push people away -- but a smile draws them in.

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood

Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance you mood will change for the better. Smiling can trick the body into helping you change your mood.

3. Smiling is Contagious

When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier. A smiling person brings happiness with them. Smile lots and you will draw people to you.

4. Smiling Relieves Stress

Stress can really show up in our faces. Smiling helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed. When you are stressed, take time to put on a smile. The stress should be reduced and you'll be better able to take action.

5. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System

Smiling helps the immune system to work better. When you smile, immune function improves possibly because you are more relaxed. Prevent the flu and colds by smiling.

6. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure

When you smile, there is a measurable reduction in your blood pressure. Give it a try if you have a blood pressure monitor at home. Sit for a few minutes, take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

7. Smiling Releases Endorphins, Natural Pain Killers and Serotonin

Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, natural pain killers, and serotonin. Together these three make us feel good. Smiling is a natural drug.

8. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger

The muscles we use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. Don't go for a face lift, just try smiling your way through the day -- you'll look younger and feel better.

9. Smiling Makes You Seem Successful

Smiling people appear more confident, are more likely to be promoted, and more likely to be approached. Put on a smile at meetings and appointments and people will react to you differently.

10. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive

Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard. When we smile our body is sending the rest of us a message that "Life is Good!" Stay away from depression, stress and worry by smiling.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Seven Beautiful Words*

* seven being a nod to George Carlin's Seven Dirty Words...these words, however, are like a breath of delicious cool air that soothe the heat of the angst of the last eight years. Here's the yin to Carlin's yang:

The Obama Administration
First Lady Michelle Obama
Obama's Inauguration
Tickets to Obama's Inauguration
First Children Malia and Sasha Obama
The First Family
The Obama Administration
The Obama Administration
The Obama White House Team

Okay, I took a little license here...there are ten, and I'm sure a whole lot more. Bring 'em on. Music to the ears.

Soon, I will never again have to turn down the sound of my radio when I hear that air sucking, sibilant, nasal Bush voice of his on the air...and which never fails to conjure Alfred E. Newman. I will never again have to flip the channel when Bush and his cronies dirty up the screen...and who ALL should be starring on MSNBC's Lock-Up instead of spouting bulls**t from the deep recesses of their neanderthal brains (apologies to neanderthals). I will never again have to weep at the asinine stupidity (can never be too redundant here) of the Bush/Cheney manifesto to steal America.

Let's make sure that the likes of these criminals never 'grace' our national stage again. Please, Bushies, just go away.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Okay, I just read a funny headline: Vatican fires off warning to Barack Obama over stem cell research. As iiiiiffff. Here's the whole enchilada: So, since when does the Vatican think it has states' rights, a voice in our government or moral authority over the President of the United States because it doesn't like our policies? Did you ever read a headline that said, "American President fires off warning to Pope over birth control"? Puhleese.

Say, have you noticed that Sarah Palin, sans Hollywood hairdresser, makeup artist and stylist, has been kicked down a notch or two on the babe 'o meter. She kind of looks like a tired moose hunter, and for some odd reason, has switched from her hip glasses to a pair that looks like she's wearing windows. Weird. You can take the girl out of Alaska, but....etc.etc. Anyway, I'm stickin' with my prediction that she will lose reelection as governor, and end up with a reality show, "Sarah. LIVE!"

Speaking of Sarah Palin a reincarnation of some 17th century evangelical? Her syntax has this strange faux formalism, sort of a tortured way of trying to sound, uh, smart, but it comes off as though she is another person, who has no idea what she's talking about, who found herself in a modern body.

And, the Lieberman brouhaha. Yes, he's a disgusting turncoat and a despicable slimebag, but I'm going with Obama on this decision not to kick him to the curb. Why bother? And, I trust Obama on these strategic political maneuvers
. He's the master. So far. Besides, no matter what party Lieberman caucuses with, if he at least maintains a modicum of integrity, he'll still vote domestic policy with the Democrats as he has mostly done. That said, they must mete out some punishment and strip him of his committee chairmanships, one at least. Shunning should make a comeback. And, don't forget, he has to live with himself. That's a nightmare right there.

Oh, the tax code. I don't think that people really, truly consider what place taxes have in their everyday lives. It would be great to have some kind of compulsory course where everyone would take a Taxes 101 course to learn how taxes make our lives livable. Unfortunately, there is a is that the hard earned dollars that we pay in taxes are so often misused and misappropriated that a skeptical and deep mistrust of taxation is totally called for. Ok, forget it. Taxes suck. But necessary.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Never Again

Since the election, four days ago, I have been absorbing, processing and relishing our well-earned, triumphal victory. So many thoughts have been racing around my brain, and I want to write about all of them, but the one that really nailed me was when I read Frank Rich's column today in the New York Times: Bathing in the afterglow of almost two years work, depleted, thrilled, and emotional, this article made me sit up straight.

Whether intentionally, or not, Rich made us look like victims...victims of the Bush administration: "For eight years, we’ve been told by those in power that we are small, bigoted and stupid — easily divided and easily frightened."..."We heard this slander of America so often that we all started to believe it, liberals most certainly included." Um, excuuuuuse me, Mr. Rich, but those are not the people I hang around with. While the majority of people bought into the fear dictum, there were a lot of us who were dismayed that so many people drank the Bush kool-aid and became the lemmings of group think. We wondered how so many people could
have relinquished their rights, their ability to think things through, and buy into the wholesale fear of a terrorist golam that was invented by someone who couldn't even shoot straight? Now they cry, "We were hoodwinked!" We, the others who didn't believe the spoonfed rhetoric, were aghast that people, pundits and politicos went along with the Bush doctrine.

Rich goes on to say, "If I had a dollar for every Democrat who told me there was no way that Americans would ever turn against the war in Iraq or definitively reject Bush governance or elect a black man named Barack Hussein Obama president, I could almost start to recoup my 401(k). " Cute, but pathetic. Democrats are notoriously 'cajones-less'. For the record, I am not a Democrat. Why on earth would I want to be associated with such mindless wimps as Rich portrays them? If they had actually paid attention, and done something, then they would have known all of these things that Rich lists were impossible to conjure, were actually totally possible.

But then, these mushy Democrats prayed that someone would come to save them from the mess they let happen. They voted, and felt redeemed by shouting, "YES WE DID!" Yes they did allow Bush to take down this country. Where were the protests, where was the outcry when it mattered? Even last year? Boy, I hope they don't swing the other way and think that Obama is the Messiah. Obama has a shitload of a mess to clean up, and he's going to need everybody's help. Now is not the time to resume your couch potato position because your Saviour has arrived. Now is the time to for you to do a little meditating, and think of why you were so easily lead down the path to hell via the loathsome strategy of fear and division. Get out of your comfort zone, for good, and pay attention. All hands should be on deck now.

And Rich is amazed that young people reversed the thinking that they would be too lazy to vote. Thanks for the confidence. We know that young people weren't participants during the Bush theocracy*, but they are certainly engaged now, and forever, I hope. They showed those cynics, and put their money where their mouths are, worked their asses off and came out in droves to vote. Obama gave them something to believe in, and he embraced them. He tapped into their latent potential, and made them dig deep to prove they could deliver. I would bet that the average age of volunteers running campaign offices around the country was around 23. It was a thing to behold...seniors stapling campaign materials while twenty-somethings ran the show. They delivered all right.

This campaign has shown us one thing, loud and clear...that the Power of One, collectively, has the power to move mountains. If you ever doubted that you could make a difference, this election should permanently put that to rest. We can harness that power and make it known that WE are the bosses, the government our employees. Just as I marched, several times, with thousands of others against the Iraq war (how come
we knew?), we can employ all the tools at our disposal, some new, some old - the internet, phone calling, letter writing, marching - to let government know that we have grown skeptical, and we will let our will be known when need be. Obama has promised a transparent government, and I believe him. That is not to say we will always agree with him, and it is also not to say that we must hit the streets with every policy disagreement. All I'm saying is that we should keep in mind our personal power and obligation to participate in our own governance. We cannot let anyone tell us what to think when they give us their version of classified information. We don't have to be paranoid, but we need to be vigilant and scrutinize, scrutinize, scrutinize.

As to my personal involvement in the campaign, I am a proud member of the most incredible grassroots organization this nation has ever seen. I am a PROUD COMMUNITY ORGANIZER. If it weren't for the millions of volunteers who sacrificed jobs, money, time with loved ones, who overcame exhaustion and drowned in adrenalin, to make this Obama campaign successful, this victory would not have happened. And that is the power that was sound asleep during the eight years of the Bush nightmare. Now Democrats have seen what they are capable of doing.

Let us take this grassroots effort and keep it going. Let's keep it going so that we, the people, have a place in our own government, and a voice that will not be quelled. Let us never let something like the last eight years happen again...never again.

* Bush theocracy:
Mr Shaath said that in a 2003 meeting with Mr Bush, the US president said he was "driven
with a mission from God".

"God would tell me, George, go and fight those terrorists in Afghanistan. And I did, and then God would tell me, George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq... And I did.

"And now, again, I feel God's words coming to me, Go get the Palestinians their state and get the Israelis their security, and get peace in the Middle East. And by God I'm gonna do it."

2. read this:

3. a very interesting article:

Thursday, October 30, 2008

McCain vetting Joe the Plumber for Cabinet position

The march to dumb down America has almost reached the nadir. I say 'almost', because I'm sure McCain still has a ways to go before he finally reaches the absolute depths of the shit he's in...up to his elbows and over his head. The only way to stop this man will be the election. Finally.

Now he's trotting out Joe the Fucking Plumber, who, by the way, isn't even a fucking plumber. McCain has elevated some doofus to the national stage and given him credibility as though he were some kind of oracle. In my post,
A Confederacy of Dunces, I wrote how the Republicans are glorifying averageness and ordinariness, and stigmatizing exceptionalism. So, here is Joe the Twit spouting off about how you should read and be informed when he can't even put two words together that convey an actual thought.

What a joke. Seriously, the next thing you know there'll be a Cabinet position created just for average Joes, and Joe the Schmoe will be the head of it. A lovely complement to Brownie...remember Brownie of Katrina fame? Book ends, the two of them.

I wish I had more time to write more of what's on my mind but these last weeks have been so intense for we volunteers, and I'm off to Colorado, tomorrow, to pound the pavement canvassing until Monday night. I don't yet have a laptop so I won't be able to write from there. I hope everyone is doing something productive these last few days - phone banking, canvassing, data entry, whatever's needed - as we get our final wind to get us through to the finish line.

Here's to VICTORY, and to the beginning of the age of aquarius (lower case as we want to manage our expectations). ONWARD!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Palin Shopping Spree Sets Women Candidates Back 100 Years

For those of you following this blog, you know that I've already fumed about Palin being selected, unvetted, largely because of her looks (see post: Sarah Palin's Book Deal about the Beauty Myth), but now, with this absurd shopping spree, women candidates will be seen as high maintentance, requiring extra campaign funds to make them look men.

If Palin only had mukluks and flouncy dresses in her own closet, and they wanted to streamline her wardrobe, why not go to Target or Ross or thrift stores, where her compatriot hockey moms really go to shop?
And, oh, the family, too, has been all gussied up to appeal to the sophisticated Republican voters in the Lower Forty-Eight. What about that little Piper carrying a new Louis Vuitton bag? Are they serious?

Hey, you can you take the girl and her family out of Alaska, but can you take the Alaska out of the girl, or her family? Who knows. Palin's appearance on SNL gave her a taste of Hollywood, of life outside of, as we are reminded endlessly, the coldest state, and my guess is, she liked it, she really, really liked it. You know, hobnobbing with the cast, being told you're 'hot' by Alec Baldwin, all the new clothes, new exposure to life in the medium fast lane. Can she just Go Home Again and be the plain ole Sarah she once was? I doubt it.

But, this whole episode is great, really. It's just another brilliant, Republican revelation that shows just how out of touch they are...and have been...and will continue to be.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

High Anxiety & a Potpourri of Other Observations

You know that expression "deer caught in the headlights" look on someone's face? Well, that's what people here in L.A. look like...a bunch of pod people almost paralyzed by the anxiety of reading the tea leaves of whatever poll Drudge dredges up to scare people. Really, the tension is palpable and you can see the wheels turning when thoughts stray to the possibility of what they should do if Obama loses: "Damn, which country should I move to? I only speak English. Ok, maybe a little Spanish. I knew I should have gone to Paris in my sophmore year...I'd so be speaking French.", "Should I reserve a mover now? God, I hope they don't rip me off.", "Should I sell or rent the house...shit the market's so down and who's gonna want to come and live here, anyway, if McPain is in charge? I should've sold last year. What a dumbass...", and so on.

Well, folks, just relax. I am. I am, because when I started to volunteer for Obama the day he announced, I KNEW he would be President. And that was when Hillary was a shoo-in, when blacks said a black man could never be elected, when Latinos were died-in-the-wool Hillary supporters who said they would never support a black man. Now, there is not one Latino that I have spoken to who is not voting for Obama.

We've come a long way, baby, and take my word for it, come November 5th, you will see headlines that trumpet, President-elect Barack Obama. If you must, drink your way through the next 12 days or take whatever drug gets you through, chant or don't listen to the news, but there is something constructive that you CAN do...HELP (YES YOU CAN!). Find a phone bank near you. Go to:, you'll see 5 options to VOLUNTEER. Do it. Find a phone bank near you and call call call those swing states, help those undecided voters decide to vote for Obama. You'll feel better rather than hiding under the sofa until November 4th.

As you know, you are not alone in your anxiety. Larry David knows just how you feel, cause he's feeling the same way:

speaking of undecideds, I ran into a friend of mine yesterday who was exasperated by the fact that there were any undecideds at this stage...for either candidate. As he said, what more do they need to know?! Then, coincidentally, the New Yorker had an article by David Sedaris about the very same thing...funny:

However, the other question that is most on people's minds is voter fraud, caging, suppression, and other nefarious methods the Republicans plan to use to steal this election. The best way to overcome any of that is to have the biggest voter turnout ever Ever EVER. The numbers need to be so big that they overcome any question about votes being counted. That's the first and most important factor. But, IF the race should be close, and there are suspicions or outright evidence of stealing votes, I guarantee there will be blood in the streets. Passivity is over, righteous action will prevail, and Republicans better be wearing their body armour. (This is not a threat...just a prediction.) That's why police in cities, far and wide, will be out there to tamp down any unrest. The police are often the provocateurs, so let's hope they don't ignite a firestorm if things don't go the 'right way' voting-wise.

And here's a creative twist...I was talking to another friend of mine about the disgusting McPain campaign, and he predicted that McCain is so desperate, and will do anything, that even McCain is going to endorse Obama hoping for a numbers bounce. Loved it.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Psycho Jesse Jackson Needs a Permanent Time-Out

What is with these has-been males that can't bear to be away from the glare of the spotlight? First, it's Bill Clinton hogging the front pages with his absurd, subtextual racist rantings and now, for the second time, super narcissist, Jesse Jackson covers every incendiary flash point that might hurt, or at the very least, slow down Barack Obama's ascent to winning this Presidential election. Read the whole disgusting hit speech by Jackson:

Read how Jackson targets the worst suspicions of conservative Jews with this statement:

The most important change would occur in the Middle East, where "decades of putting Israel's interests first" would end.

Jackson believes that, although "Zionists who have controlled American policy for decades" remain strong, they'll lose a great deal of their clout when Barack Obama enters the White House.

I just know my mailbox will be full of condemnation by my right wing Jewish friends and family (yes, believe it or not, I know some right wing nuts) after they read Jackson's outrageous speculative statements. And get THIS, Jackson has the temerity to speak as though he's directly channeling Barack and hits at the worst suspicions of people who believe that he's a Muslim.

"Barack is determined to repair our relations with the world of Islam and Muslims," Jackson says. "Thanks to his background and ecumenical approach, he knows how Muslims feel while remaining committed to his own faith."

What's wrong with being a Muslim? Nothing. It's just that Jackson knows that it plays right into the lies about Barack's background, and feeds the frenzy against him. And, also by saying this, Jackson promulgates bigoted notions about Muslims. With every 'hit' Jackson makes on the fears of the ignorant, he attempts to take Obama down. Call it envy, call it jealousy, call it sheer hubris, it's disgusting and Jackson knows exactly what he's doing. He needs to have a permanent time-out as of right now.


The Obama campaign has quickly responded to Jackson's tirade; and, of course repudiated everything Jackson made up to satisfy his bloodsucking jealousy. Remember, this is the Jesse Jackson that, not so long ago, was heard on an open mic that he wanted to castrate Obama. Here's the update:

Monday, October 13, 2008

The McCarthy Hearings & Sarah Palin: 54 Years Later

What do Joe McCarthy and Sarah Palin have in common? Believe it or not, a lot. I'll let this letter from Norman Mailer to friends Charley and Jill Devlin, April 30, 1954, as published in a recent New Yorker, speak for itself, and I quote:

The McCarthy hearings are being televised these days, and I catch them from time to time. If you’ve never seen McCarthy you’ll have a surprise when you do. What all his critics fail to admit is that he has enormous charm and sex appeal, and a characteristic man’s man way of talking which dominates everyone around him, so that to a person ignorant of politics, he would seem just wonderful. The result is that it’s truly terrifying to watch him work, because you wonder how can this man be stopped? Yet, on the other hand it’s possibly not as bad as it seems, for I think a lot of his support is not active enthusiasm for his ideas, methods, etc., but simply the response of ignorant people to his vast and clever charm. The hope there is that when all the showdowns come, his minions may be startled to discover the ideas behind this guy they think is so great. The hope, I believe, is that he remain a reactionary. Just let him pick up a social program, and he’ll be dictator, because as a demagogue he is really extraordinary. Even hating him, you have to admire him because he’s so good at what he does. . . .

Love to you,


Just substitute Sarah Palin for McCarthy, and where Mailer refers to 'him', sub 'her' and reread it. Frightening. She seems as prone as McCarthy was to wild, unsubstantiated attacks, and fear mongering. Assuming one agrees with Mailer about McCarthy's sex appeal, it is undeniable that Palin's attractiveness and 'charm' give her a platform that probably would be denied someone less so. But, as McCarthy eventually fell from grace, inevitably, so too, will Sarah Palin; and, soon, she will be sent packing home to get ready for her reality TV show, you know is coming. (see earlier post)

P.S. By the way, her about-to-be son-in-law is now a high school dropout. Continuing the saga of Palin family values.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

McCain Beyond PTSD

Stunningly revelatory, today John McCain referred to fellow citizens as 'fellow prisoners'. I won't even say 'mistakenly said' because it's beyond that. John McCain lives in an alternate reality that obviously includes flashbacks to his celebrated days as a POW. And, adding insult to injury (his mental state), he followed that with, "....and now the same standard of clarity and candor must be applied to my opponent." Sounds like he's entreating Obama to join him in the nut house. Watch it here:

You'll notice that there isn't even a moment's hesitation or recognition that he misspoke. Palin and McCain's daughter (I think it's his daughter) are standing behind him, and an ever so slightly nonplussed look washes over their faces. Did he mean to say that? That we are all prisoners of this economic crisis? If that's what he meant, then he was positively poetic, but somehow, he just doesn't seem the poetic type. More like an ever more bewildered old man lost in the wilderness of his jumbled mind, completely out of touch with any sense of personal integrity or moral compass. Something broke inside McCain, and it's ugly to watch someone who was once considered a man of honor, morph into a caricature of a man he probably never thought he'd become.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

John McCain's suicide attempt and his resulting PTSD

The issue of John McCain's PTSD has been kicking around for quite a while, and always seems to skim along just beneath the surface of an outright media story. There is so much evidence of his erratic (to be polite) behavior, given the hours of video on him, not to mention articles such as the one that follows, we must make sure this is an issue that is just too important to ignore. There must be a hew and cry to release all his medical and psychological records immediately. Do we want Dr. Strangelove to come to life?

This is from an article by Ted Sampley for the
U.S. Veteran Dispatch/December 23, 2007:

"McCain says because he survived 5½ years of brutal torture, while a prisoner of the communist Vietnamese, he is better qualified to be president of the United States than any other candidate. McCain claims his POW sufferings included three years in solitary confinement where he was tortured so badly that he "broke," causing him to attempt suicide.

What McCain's promoters have carefully edited out of their McCain-for-president equation is his post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Department of Defense psychiatrists have evaluated McCain for PTSD several times, the results of which remain locked by privacy laws.

PTSD can develop after exposure to a terrifying event or ordeal in which physical harm occurred or was threatened. U.S. government studies have concluded that former POWs "may remain embroiled in a harsh psychological battle with themselves for decades after returning home."

An outcome of PTSD is a subtle web of personal problems including difficulty in controlling intense emotions such as anger and an inability to function well under stress.

Psychologist Patricia B. Sutker of the New Orleans Veterans Administration Medical Center and her colleagues reported in a 1991 issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry that as many as nine of 10 surviving U.S. servicemen taken captive during the Korean War may suffer from PTSD and other mental disorders more than 35 years after their release."

For the full article:

Friday, October 3, 2008

Sarah Palin's Book Deal

You just have to know that, after last night's debate, publishers are sharp elbowing their way to get to Palin's future publicist...or agent, as in Hollywood agent. And, I can hear the keyboards clicking in Starbucks around the country where screenwriters are getting out those 'Sarah' screenplays as fast as you can say, "Bridge to nowhere." I wouldn't be surprised, either, if reality tv goes knocking on the Palin bunch's front door for the next season of "Sarah: LIVE!"

Sarah Palin will get millions of dollars in book, tv, and movie offers which will move her far far away from that middle class kitchen table, or else buy her a new one. This chick has a bright celebrity future...and, I dare say, will be a bright star in the Republican constellation for years to come.

The interesting thing about this is that if Sarah Palin looked like Josephine Six-Pack, a beer bellied, plain Jane with nose hairs and unplucked eyebrows, Sarah would still be dressing moose(es) and watching out for Putin's plane from her front porch. The fact that female looks prevail over intellectual substance is not a new notion. It's been covered in Naomi Wolf's book, The Beauty Myth, and is so blatantly personified by Sarah Palin. Look, the Pakistani president, Asif Ali Zardari, made an international ass of himself because he couldn't resist telling Palin she was ''gorgeous". Now, if she had used that encounter to make Zardari help us get Bin Laden, then that would have been a positive
way of using her looks. But, did she do that? No. She smiled coyly and thanked him.

Tons of accusations of sexism were made during the Primary, and most of them were a real stretch; but, the kind of sexist criticism targeted at Hillary's hair, Hillary's clothes, Hillary's makeup, Hillary's voice, and more, are never leveled against men. I mean, there was a story recently about McCain's $5000 a day makeup artist, who had to cover up his hideous 6 inch scar from his recurring cancer, but the item was hardly noticed and died a tractionless death. There certainly is a higher 'looks' bar for women. If Palin were the female equivalent of Fred Thompson, do you think we'd even know her name, even as the most popular governor of a cold state? Where would Golda Meir be if she had been a candidate in the good ole U.S. of A.?

Look, it's pretty discouragin', that beauty trumps intellect, lucky if you have both, but gosh darn, I'm not gonna let this get me down. I'm gonna keep readin' my books, and I sure do look forward to readin' the one about Sarah sometime soon, cause ya know it's in the works, you betcha.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

A Confederacy of Dunces

On the eve of the Vice Presidential debate, I am sickened by the attitude of the Republican spin machine that is now glorifying ordinariness, and stigmatizing exceptionalism. It's as if it's not cool to be educated, to aspire to high-mindedness, to be well read, to get a PhD., be an intellectual. You're to be ridiculed if you are smart and know the answers to simple questions about U.S. history and books or newspapers.

Sam Stein in the Huffington Post writes: "McCain aide Meg Stapleton was also playing up Palin's "Joe Six-Pack" attributes, even arguing that Palin's "experience as an ordinary American" qualified her to be "one heartbeat away" from the Oval Office...

You have got to be kidding? I'm afraid not. There's more: "if she becomes president of the United States, she is ready, and that is because she has the experience of an ordinary American who can get in there and knows what is on people's minds and what people need."

Simply put, the Republicans are advocating that your friendly couch potato, next door neighbor is qualified to be President of the United States. Is this the message we want to tell the world? Or ourselves? "Kick it DOWN a notch...or two." This is terrifying. More than the bail out.

The United States already has grim illiteracy rates:

Illiteracy Statistics

  • 42 million American adults can't read at all; 50 million are unable to read at a higher level that is expected of a fourth or fifth grader.
  • The number of adults that are classified as functionally illiterate increases by some 2.25 million each year.
  • 20 percent of all graduating high school seniors can be classified as being functionally illiterate.

Source: National Right to Read Foundation

Where Illiteracy Leads

  • 70 percent of state and federal prisoners can be classified as illiterate.
  • 85 percent of all juvenile offenders may be classified as functionally or marginally illiterate.
  • 43 percent of those whose literacy skills are lowest live in poverty.

Source: National Institute for Literacy

This is what happens when you can't read. You end up in prison or in a lifetime of poverty. But the Republicans want you to believe that, if you do read a bit or know just enough to 'get by', and have a cute personality, guess what? You can, at the very least, be Vice President of the United States.

If, as Jonathan Swift said,
"When a true genius appears in the world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him." Does that mean that we simply haven't recognized the true genius that is Sarah Palin? If not, I will happily be called a dunce.

The Thrilla in Missoura!!!

Holy cow! This VP debate is bigger than the Thrilla in Manila! Bigger than "One small step for Mankind"! Bigger than the Oscars!!

There's a sense that people are scurrying around trying to leave work early (out west) so they can get to their debate watching parties on time. And, while there's no red carpet, the excitement everywhere is palpable, people are hyped (without the assistance of caffeine or other substances), and as one blogger (or someone) mentioned, this debate is like watching a NASCAR race and just waiting for the car wreck.

Biden has to answer questions skillfully - he already knows some of them and the plan of the Palin attack - be relaxed, funny and charming, and let Palin talk and talk and talk and talk and talk. The way Palin spouts her answers, she reminds me of Silly String...all that brightly colored plastic mousse getting entangled everywhere and making a hideous mess. (By the way, Silly String is banned in Canada, and hopefully, this Palin can of hot air will also be dispatched.)

Well, let the countdown begin, tighten your seatbelts, and hang on for crazy ride!

Interesting Poll Analysis by FiveThirtyEight

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Real Credibility Problems

Last week, I (Nate Silver) discussed Real Clear Politics' decision to exclude the Research 2000 daily tracking poll from their national averages. After a lengthy discussion with RCP founder John McIntyre, I decided to defend them, pointing out that while RCP may have a debatable framework for deciding which polls they do or do not include, they at least appeared to have applied this framework consistently.

My gut-level takeaway from my conversation with McIntyre was somewhat different from what I represented, however. My gut-level feeling was that RCP was in fact cherry-picking those results that were to its liking, and then coming up with post-facto rationalizations to justify its decisions.

For the rest of the article:

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Sarah Palin ...You're Not in Alaska Anymore

Gawd, can I just say how sick I am of this whole debate 'low bar', 'raising the bar', winning without a 'bar', talking heads blabbering on about who's gonna win the Biden/Palin debate...enough already. Let the debate begin!

Listen, pretend for a moment you're Sarah Palin. Really small town gal in the big city. How 'bout in a big country? And what about being on the World Stage? As clueless as she's appeared, Sarah's got to be thinking about how the eyes of the world will be on her. But, then again, maybe she's not, as her
misconstrued self-confidence glows like the halo of an impenetrable bubble of ignorance around her pretty little head. A bubble that filters the ways, and news, and facts of the outside world for her. She seems to live in a Wonderland of denial.

So, Sarah, you can snow people in Alaska, but the lower 48 actually read papers (is that elitist?) and have a pretty good idea of what's going on in the world; they may even know some facts. Hey, you're about to wake up and realize, "Sarah, you're not in Alaska anymore!" This is gonna be fun.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Age of Aquarius?

Instead of looking at the 'bailout catastrophe' as the end of the world, why not see it as the beginning a new world order? Without hyperbole, we have a once in a lifetime opportunity to right the egregious imbalance of the 'haves' and 'have nots' or 'haves very little'. First of all, there is no need to rush to pass a troubled, "less than perfect" bill just to appease the fat cats without considering creative, viable alternatives. And that takes time. Time that, in the end, would prove time well spent to come up with solutions that make sense for everybody.

This doesn't mean that Karl Marx would be riding into town, that there would be an automatic redistribution of wealth - although it would be nice, but an equitable solution could bring people at the top, down to earth - well, they'd still be hovering above ground, for sure - and would, at least, give people who are struggling, a sense that their concerns are being addressed, and dealt with.

My hope is that Obama takes a real leadership role in this, has the courage to not cowtow to pressure from Wall Street, but does, indeed, take the principled stand to stand up for Main Street (new buzz words).

I have believed in Obama, the man (not his every stance on issues) as have millions of others, and I have volunteered for him from the very first day he announced his candidacy to run for President, opining that with his ascension to President, we might all rise to become our better selves...that materialism, greed, and abject self-interest would drown in the Swamp of Avarice,
and penury would be offered a helping hand. We can see the Age of Aquarius just peeking over the horizon...all we have to do is have the fortitude to not succumb to the forces at the top, to those who want to keep their status quo while not improving ours.

Here is our opportunity to right the ark...the ark that is so lopsided that it is in danger of sinking with the majority going down first while the 'ruling class' at the top claws desperately to try and save themselves by clinging to the rotten starboard rails.

Here's your chance to be heroic, Obama. Be the White/Black Knight that gallops onto stage left, and "saves the day!" Bring all sides together, as you say you're good at, and don't leave the stage until you have brokered a sensible bill. The Age of Aquarius is depending on you.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

National Enquirer Coming Through as Predicted!

Ok, the story's breaking as per my post of September 8:
The World Will Be Saved by the National Enquirer

Here's the latest:

The Enemies List of the Obama Campaign as Compiled by Me

Public Obama Enemy # 1. BILL CLINTON
This is what happens when deep psychological pathology intersects with unbridled ambition and lust for power with a vengeful,
reptilian nature with a Rushmore-like ego with a sickening paucity of a moral compass. Here's the disgusting non-endorsement by the spiteful, Bill Clinton:

Email conversation between me and my son:

Son: i don't think Clinton understands how much he's hurting his standing with this stuff. i dislike him way more than i dislike his wife.

Me: i never liked the sonofabitch, and now i have nothing but contempt for him. if the clintons think that, if Obama loses, we will rally around her in 2012 (the year the world is supposed to come to an end), they are clearly smoking something very strong. i never understood that thinking 6 months ago, and it doesn't make any better sense now. do they think that no one else will emerge or be worthy to run then?

Obama will win November 4th. Period. The Clintons can start their own country. Maybe they can hook up with the Palins, have Alaska secede from the Union and form some kind of monarchy. Then they can battle amongst themselves. Possibilities abound.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Info re: current EV = Electoral Votes

Also from my polling friend (numbers as of 9/19/08):

Obama: 311 McCain: 227 Others: 0 MoE: 50 (Obama leads McCain by about 1.68 times the MoE)

Critical states: NV(Obama), CO(Obama), NM(Obama), IN(McCain), OH(Obama), PA(Obama), VA(Omaba).

Other states that could shift based on the perception of the debates: NH(Obama), WV(McCain), WI(Obama), MI(OBama), MN(OBama), MO(McCain), MT(McCain)

Obama has more to lose from the debates than McCain, but this is not surprising. When you are in the lead, you have more opportunities to lose.

The meaning of the MoE can vary from poll to poll. When some polls say MoE 4% they mean +/- 4%. That is the %-age for a candidate can be from 4% higher to 4% lower. Their MoE is twice as wide as our MoE.

Some polls use MoE to mean standard deviation. So their MoE means that there is a 68.2% chance that the actual results will lie within their +/- MoE.

BTW: has good analytical methodology. I recommend following it as well.

Are you interested in polls and what they mean? Here's some very instructive information.

If you're at all interested in what the hell the polls mean, here is one explanation, from a friend of mine who works in a polling group, when I asked what MoE, margin of error, means. Even I understood it. If you're interested in more explanations, leave me a comment and I'll follow up. Here it is:

MoE is Margin of error. So 293 with a MoE of 45 means it could be as little as 270.5 and as much as 315.5. (NOTE: 315.5 - 270.5 = 45, the MoE). Obama has a margin of error range of 315.5 to 270.5 with 293 (the middle of the range) being the most likely.

OK, ignore that fact that you cannot get a 1/2 vote.

The total EV is 538. So if Obama has 293, then that leaves 245 for everyone else.

No 3rd party candidate is even close to getting anything other than 0 so McCain winds up with the remaining 245.

So this is why we say:

Obama: 293 (middle of the MoE range) McCain: 245 (everything else) Others: 0 (nothing even close) with a MoE of 45.

What does that mean in terms of chances of winning? Well ...

The actual vote will lie within the MoE range (315.5 to 270.5) 75% of the time. This means 25% of the time we are outside the margin going either higher or lower than the MoE range. When the election is this close you can think that 1/2 of those "outside the margin" casses or 12.5% of the time the vote will be above the MoE range. So 12.5% of the time Obama could get more than 315.5 EV.

The same goes for below the MoE range. So 12.5% of the times Obama could get less than 270.5 EV.

This is not exactly the case. The above MoE case is a little less than 12.5%. The below the MoE case is a little more than 12.5%. However for a race that is not a land slide, splitting the 25% into two equal parts for above and below the MoE range is a good enough approximation.

Back to the "good enough approximation":

So 12.5% of the time, it could be higher than 315.5 (Obama wins by an even bigger margin then we expect) and 12.5% of the time it could be lower than 270.5.

Obviously, if it is higher than 315.5 Obama still wins. What about the below the MoE case? Well, Obama has a narrow win at 270. At 269 there is a tie.

What happens if it is a 269 to 269 tie? When no candidate has 270- votes, the selection of the President is made by the house and the selection of the Vice Preside is made by the senate picked from the CURRENT 110th congress membership. Assume that house and senate members vote along party lines.

In the senate each member has 1 vote. Voting along party lines means that Biden would be selected VP, winning by 1 vote.

In the house each state casts 1 vote. States where the membership is split 50/50 would be unable to vote and would cast present (voting for none). For example AZ 8 house members are split 4 D's and 4 R's. McCain's home state would not be able to vote for him. So if the Presidential election where thrown into House and members vote along party lines, Obama wins by 9 votes (with two states AZ and KS not voting for any candidate).

So Obama and Biden both win on a 269-269 tie with McCain.

Anything at or below 268 for Obama and McCain wins.

Now you need 270 to win, so with Obama at 293 with a 45 MoE, we mean that he has slightly better than 87.5% chance of winning IF the election were held today. (Sept. 19)

When you bring in a number of minor technical factors (2nd order effects), the 87.5% win chance becomes about 87.8%.


So when you lead by the MoE, about 7 out of 8 times you will win.

It turns out that when you lead by 1/2 the MoE you will win about 2 out of 3 times.

And when you lead by twice the MoE you will win about 19 times out of 20

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

A True Elitist in Commoner Clothing

This woman is a true elitist in commoner clothing who wields her alleged prominent social position like a Sarah Palin moose rifle, and suffers from an extreme sense of self-importance. Read my earlier post of Tuesday, July 8: Hillraisers behaving like Hillbrats Check her out and write her a letter...but make sure the stationary is engraved.

September 16, 2008
Posted: 10:07 PM ET

From ,

A prominent backer of Hillary Clinton is endorsing McCain.

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee, will endorse John McCain for president on Wednesday, her spokesman tells CNN.

The announcement will take place at a news conference on Capitol Hill, just blocks away from the DNC headquarters. Forester will “campaign and help him through the election,” the spokesman said of her plans to help the Republican presidential nominee.

Forester was a major donor for Clinton earning her the title as a Hillraiser for helping to raise at least $100,000 for the New York Democratic senator’s failed presidential bid.

In an interview with CNN this summer, Forester did not hide her distaste for eventual Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”

Forester is the CEO of EL Rothschild, a holding company with businesses around the world. She is married to international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Forester is a member of the DNC’s Democrats Abroad chapter and splits her time living in London and New York.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Biden Resigning. The Devil Made Him Do It.

Who is the Devil that made Biden resign, you ask? Why, it's that special someone who bought John McCain's soul, Ms. Sarah Palin. See, her last name has the exact same amount of letters as the word 'devil', two letters are the same, and the 'p' looks like an upsidedown 'd'. That's proof enough for me. A She-Devil with lipstick is still a devil. Enough said about McCain and selling himself out for cold, blind ambition, but it is a wonder to watch someone morph into the dark side of himself. If there really is karma, then here's a perfect opportunity to witness it.

So, Joe Biden said something stupid. Here's the whole miserable quote:

“Make no mistake about this,” Biden responded. “Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States of America. Let’s get that straight. She’s a truly close personal friend, she is qualified to be president of the United States of America, she’s easily qualified to be vice president of the United States of America, and quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me. But she’s first rate, I mean that sincerely, she’s first rate, so let’s get that straight.”

Ya know what, Joe? Why dontcha just resign and let Hillary back on stage for her close-up. Between the lines, you practically said she was more qualified than Obama, and you
said she's a better pick than you. So, seriously, resign. It's easy. It's been done before. You're never gonna be Prez. And, heavens knows, we could use more drama in this ho hum campaign.

Really, just think of it. Biden resigns. Hillary gets a 3am phone call from Barack, "Hill, this is, uh, uh, the 3am phone call you've been waiting for. Get, uh, up, and get your sunny pantsuit self over here. Uh, Biden's, uh, resigned and you're next up...uh, uh, I mean, I should've picked you in the first place but, uh uh, well, hey, that's water under the bridge, so, I'm askin' you, Hillary, will you, uh, uh, be my running mate? This ticket needs a kick in the ass and you're the shitkicker we need. Uh, Uh, just a joke. C'mon, let's take the Gold together." She accepts. Man, that would be AWESOME.

Is it fantasy? It could be fact. Nothing has been stranger or more surprising than this election.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Skip One Starbucks & Donate the Dollars to Obama

Target: Very Concerned Citizens
Sponsored by: Money is the Mother's Milk of Politics
Sign this petition and forward to everyone you know:

PLEASE skip just ONE Starbucks drink (sorry Starbucks), and donate that amount to the Victory for Obama campaign:

It's a little sacrifice to make sure there is enough money to battle the McPain smear machine. Give more, or more often, if you like, but even a little goes a long way.

Thank you, and here's to an Obama victory November 4th!

Monday, September 8, 2008

The World Will Be Saved by the National Enquirer

Never has a tabloid been so crucial in an election...nevermind a Presidential election. Actually, The National Enquirer is my go-to source for all things scuzzy, disreputable, potentially career-ending, but TRUE dirt on celebs and hypocritical politicos. I am placing all bets on The Enquirer to uncover the dirt that matters about Sarah "faux Hillary" Palin. You can run, Sarah, but you can't hide behind a moose (moose cliches already worn out but I hadn't used my cliche allotment yet), or little Trig, for that matter.

I have total confidence that The Enquirer will ferret out, and dole out the dough, to find out the details of Sarah's affair with First Dude's business partner back in the go-go 90's, despite all attempts of the McPains to seal all divorce files. If I didn't know better, I'd have thought that Sarah read Shakespeare in one of her 5 colleges, as this runner-up beauty queen puts Lady Macbeth to shame. But I doubt it. There's so much more one can skew SP with, but I'm not going to expend any more energy on her...I'm leaving that for The Enquirer, and when they do, they should get the Nobel Peace Prize for averting a McPain administration that would have us at war around the planet.

Enough said. I can't wait for the next issue:

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The PALINdrome Syndrome

palindrome: noun - a word or phrase that reads the same backward as forward

Much ado about nothing: Sarah Palin. The 'much ado' part is what's distressing because this feels like a pod blasted into the atmosphere, tumbled to earth, then exploded and brought forth an alien invader in the form of Sarah Palin. Here is where the movie, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, conjures a sort of déjà vu except that Communism is replaced by right wing extremism. Here's a synposis of the movie:

"The theme of the cautionary, politicized film was open to varying interpretations, including paranoia toward the spread of a harmful ideology such as socialistic Communism, or the sweeping mass hysteria of McCarthyism (
read: evangelical, right wing conservatism) in the 1950s (in 2008!) and blacklisting of Hollywood (read: blacklisting of anyone who has read a book), the spread of an unknown malignancy or virulent germ (read fear of annihilation by 'nuclear war'), or the numbing of our individuality and emotional psyches through conformity and group-think (read: FEAR). Yet its main theme was the alien (read 'Communist') dehumanization and take-over of an entire community by large seed pods (found in basements, automobile trunks, a greenhouse, and on a pool table)(found in communities in Alaska and red states that are, unfortunately, too numerous to mention) that replicated and replaced human beings (Mission Accomplished in red states...okay, not every single person). And it told of the heroic struggle of one helpless but determined man of conscience, a small-town doctor (McCarthy) (OBAMA), to vainly combat and quell the deadly, indestructible threat. "

Let's hope the election ends as well as the movie. Ok, back to "palindrome". Sarah Palin feels like someone who is both going forward and backward (the 1950's) at the same time. All of a sudden we are thrown back to the post war 50's...over 50YEARS ago... by some small time mayor from a small time town, now a governor of a state with a population less than the south side of Chicago, to a time when everything seemed, on the surface, so black and white. (No racial reference intended while, at the same time, it is quite apt.) Sarah Palin feels like a life threatening virus we have all suddenly contracted, and don't know exactly where we picked it up. Did we not wash our hands thoroughly enough while we were watching the Republican convention? Did we leave the room at exactly the wrong time and the virus jumped through the t.v.? Who knows, but this is a time for heavy antibiotics and the doctor says: don't stop taking them til November 5th.
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